Chapter 47

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Leia gave us a small tour around the place while we waited for Damien and the rest to return. They had been gone for about thirty minutes, and I had a bad feeling that whatever they talked about wasn't good. Or maybe that was just Damien feeling anxious.

"Hopefully, Jaxon hasn't started drinking," Leia sighed as we returned to where everyone had gathered. "Would hate for him to make a fool of himself on our wedding."

"You know how Jaxon is." Amelia sighed. Amelia did know him.

"Unfortunately." She sighed. "Oh look, they're back, and surprisingly, Jaxon doesn't look drunk."

I turned around, and Damien, Jaxon, and two other people were coming our way. One of them was a girl who was towering the three guys. Not only that, but she was buff as shit. That's the only way I knew how to describe her. She wasn't overly muscular like those extreme bodybuilders but more muscular than the three guys standing next to her. But despite that, she was very attractive.

I also didn't recognize the other guy with them, but I figured it was the other Alpha, one of Damien's other cousins, cause they all had the same hair color and dressed almost the same. So where's the fourth Alpha-oh- don't tell me. She's the fourth? A female Alpha? Yeah, I can see it now. I turned to Amelia, who gave me a side-eye look to let me know she was thinking the same thing.

"First time meeting her?" I whispered to her. She nodded.

"You never met Lynn Amelia?" Leia chuckled. So that's Lynn. Here I was, getting jealous over some girl who turned out to be his cousin. No wonder he glared at me earlier.

"I only heard of her. She's even scarier up close. She fought her father for the Alpha title at 17 and won." Amelia said.

"Lynn is the oldest of her siblings. The Alpha title should've gone to her, not her younger brother, but her father didn't want a female Alpha. He's dead now." Leia chuckled nervously. She fought and killed her father, an Alpha, at just 17 years old. Oh, lord triton, I pray that she's nice.

"Mommy, there's a lot of Lobos here," Eudora said, tugging on my dress.

"¿Estas bien? Are you okay?" I crouch down in front of her.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I think so. I wanna play with the other niños." She pointed at a group of kids her age who were wrestling each other like it was WWE Wrestlemania.

"No. That's not happening." I said, and she frowned at me. I knew they were just kids, but even these kids were stronger than human kids. I didn't want to see poor Eudora get body slammed into the ground. "Eudora, don't be angry with Mommy. Those kids could hurt you."

"But Lobo will protect me." She said when she saw Damien and the rest walk up to us.

"That's not his name," I said to her, pinching the bridge of my nose. I lost track of how often I told her to call him Damien. Amelia didn't help cause she kept calling him a mutt. "Don't call him that."

"I'm sorry, Mommy." Eudora ran over to Damien and hugged his legs.

"And who is this cute kid?" Lynn asked when she saw Damien picking her up. "Can't be yours, you don't have any, and she doesn't look like you."

"She's Amelia and Nexy's daughter," Damien replied.

"Ah. I heard whispers about a human and a vampire coming to the ceremony. They're your guest?" Lynn asked Damien.

"Yes, they are." He replied.

"Very unusual set of friends you keep around," Lynn said, staring at Amelia and me. "The vampire chick, I understand. The human, though." She shook her head. "You should've discussed it with me first, Damien."

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