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It was around 7 o'clock that night and JJ, Emily, and Penelope were all preparing for their girls night. At home, Prentiss was throwing on tight jeans and a casual green tank top. JJ had decided on something similar, knowing that while Garcia would probably show up in a sparkly rainbow dress, Emily would most likely remain pretty nonchalant. That was one of the things she loved about her best friend, knowing each other to the point where you don't even have to ask. JJ could always tell when something was bothering Emily, and depending on the situation, knew exactly how to make her feel better without having to exchange any words. The duo had only been friends for a few months now, however, they both felt like they had known each other for a lifetime. 

JJ's apartment was a decent size and contained a small kitchen area that flowed right into the living room, two bedrooms, and a tiny bathroom. She finished putting the final touches on her light but noticeable makeup, walked into the kitchen, and grabbed a wine bottle and three glasses. Almost on cue, a knock on the door rattled through the apartment and JJ smiled, moving swiftly to open it. Standing on the other side was Emily and all her beauty. Even for a basic girls night, Emily seemed to be surrounded by her own beam of golden light that radiated around her and accentuated her gorgeous features, particularly her shining eyes. JJ was taken aback, and suddenly froze for a moment as she stood in the doorway. 

"Hey, can I come in?" Emily asked laughing, noticing JJ's elongated stare but not thinking much of it. 

"Ya, ya of course. I'm sorry." JJ smiled and shook her head slightly, almost as if she were snapping out of a trance. 

When Emily stepped through the doorway, JJ heard Garcia bubbling from her car that she was stepping out of a few feet away in the parking lot. 

"Sorry! I'm here, I'm sorry don't start without me!" Penelope frantically spoke as she hurriedly moved across the parking lot to the door, wearing a bright yellow dress and a big pink furry coat, just as JJ had predicted. 

"Don't worry Garcia, we wouldn't start without the guest of honor." JJ laughed and she closed the door behind Penelope.


It was now close to 10:30 pm and the three girls were quite tipsy after finishing off a whole bottle and some of wine. JJ and Emily were lounged out on the couch and Garcia had made herself at home in the sofa chair next to them. 

"Garcia, I need to know everything about this man, ok? Like what does he do for a living? What does he like? Is he an attractive supermodel, you know that kind of thing." Emily said giggling, obviously drunk. 

"Well obviously he's a super model if he's interested in you Garcia, right? I mean, look at yourself and tell me you're not worthy of only the finest man alive." JJ said, gesturing dramatically with her hands.

 "Mh, ya, you know I think you guys are right. I mean don't get me wrong, you both are decent looking but I, well I have you two beat." Garcia joked playfully. 

"Heyy, woah your horse there hot stuff. JJ and I are not too hard on the eyes, although she may have me beat on the beauty scale." Emily said, pretending to put her hand up and whisper the last part to Garcia but speaking rather loudly.

 "Um, excuse me, what!" JJ looked over at Emily with an astonished look on her face. "You're not seriously sitting here trying to tell me that I'm more beautiful than you are?" JJ asked in a way that started off as a sarcastically funny comment, but quickly trailed off to become a serious question that left JJ actually wondering. 

In her mind, the possibility that Emily did not think she was absolutely stunning was crazy. Whenever JJ got a chance to look at her best friend, she smiled although she was never sure why. Maybe she just felt so lucky that someone so pure and heartfelt was hers. Whatever the reason, JJ actually felt a little bit of pain in her heart at that moment that Emily may never know just how gorgeous and special the blonde thought she truly was. 

"Well ya, Jayje. I mean you're, you." Emily said shyly now, emphasizing the 'you'. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met."

 There was a silent pause in the room at this moment, and all JJ and Emily could do was stare deep into each other's eyes. This was the moment that they both realized their connection. Neither knew what it meant, or what to do with that knowledge after the moment had passed, but it was there and it happened.

 Garcia had been sitting back in her chair, silently observing the event unfold before her. There was a sense of tension in the room, but a good and mysterious tension, if that was even a thing, she thought. Penelope had had the most wine out of the three, and at this point she was not sure if what she was seeing was real or if her mind was playing tricks on her. Regardless she knew that something in the room had changed, and decided to break the silence by announcing that her brother was outside to drive her home since she certainly could not herself.

 "Ya, um, definitely Penelope. I'll see you tomorrow at work." JJ said, finally breaking eye contact with the brunette to give Garcia a quick hug. 

"You know, I should probably be going too." Emily cleared her throat uncomfortably. "I'll be fine to drive, I'm just right down the road." she continued.

 "Ok, well I'll see you tomorrow too Em." JJ said softly, reaching up to embrace Emily in a hug. JJ could feel her heart beating through her shirt, just as Emily felt a comforting warmth radiating off of her best friend.

 "Goodnight Jayje." She said softly. 

Jemily: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now