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JJ arrived at Ryan and hers' spot at 8:30 pm. No one knew she was here, so if things went south, she didn't really know what would happen. JJ sat down on the edge of the water fountain in a park a few minutes outside of her town. The water was spewing out the top and landing in the pool below it where people had thrown pennies and other change in. The sound of the water fountain was the only noise around her and it was eerily quiet otherwise.

 9 pm. Still no sign of Ryan or anyone else. JJ began nervously twitching her foot as she sat on the cold concrete. Ryan was usually never late to any of their previous meetings, but that was two years ago and this time was anything but usual. 

It was now 9:45 pm and there hadn't even been a breeze to suggest any moment. JJ decided enough was enough. Something wasn't right and she wasn't about to stay any longer and find out what. She stood up to leave and walked a few steps towards her car when out of the shadows two figures jumped out and grabbed the blonde, one grabbing her torso and covering her mouth and the other assisting in holding her arms down as she frantically failed and tried to get free. She wasn't even able to get one scream out before she felt a needle being injected into her neck and the slow release of whatever fluid was in the syringe.


The team walked into the FBI building at 7 am sharp after Hotch had texted that they had a case. Everyone was settling in when Emily noticed JJ wasn't present. 

She leaned over and asked Kate, "Hey, have you seen JJ today?"

 "No actually, and I didn't see her car either. Isn't she supposed to be presenting the case?" Kate asked puzzled. 

"Ya I'll try calling her." Emily said, pulling out her cell phone and looking concerned.

 "Voicemail." Emily said to Kate after she heard the dial tone and JJ's answering machine message pick up.

 Hotch entered the room then, looking ready to start the briefing. 

"Where's JJ? She's supposed to be presenting the case." Hotch said, confused.

 "We don't know her car isn't here and her phone went to voicemail." Kate added, now pulling the whole team's attention.

 "Um, okay well I guess I'll present the case until we find out what's going on." Hotch said.

After the team had been briefed on the new case which was local, Hotch closed by saying, "Alright, we'll leave now since the murder was only a few minutes away. Oh, and Prentiss. Stop by JJ's apartment on your way there, see if you can find out what's going on."

 Emily got up to leave with the rest of the group and split off to JJ's apartment while the team continued on a few minutes more to the crime scene. When Emily arrived, JJ's car wasn't in her normal parking spot. That was definitely odd. If she wasn't home and she wasn't at the bureau, where was she? The agent tried her cell again but still nothing. After no answer on the cell, and no response at her knock on the door, Emily started to get really worried. 

"Hey Garcia," Emily said after dialing Penelope's number. "I need you to track JJ's cell phone." 

"Oh my. That's not good. What's wrong? Is my baby angel in trouble?" Garcia spoke, speeding up and clearly frenzied.

 "I don't know, Garcia. Just track the cell please." Emily said.

 "Right. Okay. Um, JJ's cell isn't on..." Garcia said, voice trailing as she realized what that meant.

 "What? Can you pull coordinates on her car?" Emily said, her panic starting to show in her tone.

 "Ya, ya, I can do that. Okay I texted them to your cell. Emily please keep me in the loop here." Garcia said quietly. 

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