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Emily awoke from a restless sleep to an urgent text message from Hotch saying that they had a new plan and all needed to get down to the station ASAP.

 "JJ, wake up." Emily said quietly while gently shaking JJ. "Hotch needs us at the station right now. We've got a new plan." 

JJ stirred and finally began to come to consciousness. "Really, already? I feel like I just fell asleep." JJ whined and sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes.

 "Trust me, Jayje, I know. Come on, let's grab some coffee on the way down." Emily said. 

Emily was already standing up grabbing her belongings. Once JJ had decided to roll out of bed, she threw on an FBI hoodie with jeans and the two made their way down to the police station. The rest of the team was arriving as they were, and everyone gathered in the conference room where Hotch closed the door so only the eight of them were present. 

"We found a body." Hotch said without emotion. 

The room became filled with silent sighs and head shakes. Morgan abruptly slammed his hand against the table, yelling "Dammit!"

 "Only one body?" Kate asked reluctantly. 

"As of now, only Madison's body has been recovered. However, she was only discovered about an hour ago so we haven't been able to fully canvas the area. Local PD is working on it right now. If he sticks to routine though, there's a good chance Keegan will turn up soon too." Hotch added, clearly upset although keeping a straight face.

 "I know this is not what we were hoping for, but it was unlikely we would have gotten here in time to save this pair. The best we can do now is adapt a new strategy and be there to stop this bastard from hurting anyone else."

 "And what exactly is our new strategy?" JJ questioned. 

"Well, here's the thing. Since the unsub is just dumping his latest victims now, that means he probably has not had a chance to start hunting anyone new yet. We're going to try to give him his next pair of victims so we can get ahead of him and catch him before he hurts anyone else." Hotch stated.

 "Wait a minute." JJ spoke slowly knowing exactly where he was headed. "You want us to go undercover?" She finished.

 "Yes. You and Emily. It's the best option we have right now. We can get you two out on the street by tonight in the unsubs comfort zone so he won't be able to miss you when he starts canvassing." 

Emily remained silent during the conversation, simply watching JJ to gauge her reaction to the proposal. JJ stayed quiet for a moment, rubbing her hands against her head like she was trying to decide what to do. Then, she turned her head to Emily. 

"Em, it's up to you." She sighed. 

"Okay, just tell us what we have to do." Was all Emily replied.


It was much later that night, and Hotch had been making arrangements all day for the two undercover agents. Emily and JJ were to stay in a small house dead in the middle of the unsubs predicted hunting ground based on Reid's geographical profile. The team was working under serious time restraints so all the details had not been worked out yet. However, all three previous couples had been abducted right after they were seen out in public; the first couple at the movies, the males at a nightclub, and Madison and Keegan after they attended the local county fair. 

Emily and JJ pulled up to the tiny little house not far off the road at around 9 pm. They entered to find a cozy living area with a big tv mounted on the wall above the fireplace, a kitchen that wrapped around a sitting table, and a master bedroom and bathroom combo down the hall. They had grabbed some groceries on the way over, knowing they were probably going to be located here for several days.

 "I still can't believe we're doing this." JJ said as she dumped a bag of groceries on the kitchen counter.

 "I know, Jayje, but everything's going to be okay. And we have each other, so no one can hurt us. Not on my watch at least." Emily added protectively.

 She was doing her best to reassure JJ and make her feel safe. However, she felt a bit guilty because she was so sure they were going to find Madison and Keegan alive. Her confidence on the plane when she was comforting JJ was well, just that. Comfort. She did believe at the time that they had arrived soon enough to save them, however, JJ's sadness in the moment made Emily feel like she needed to say something, anything to give her hope. And now they were dead. So when Emily tried to tell JJ things were going to be okay this time, she felt more hesitant, but this time was also different. Emily and JJ were the ones on the inside right in the middle, not two victims. They were prepared and Emily meant it when she said no one would place a hand on JJ while she was around. That really was the truth. Emily would rather die than know someone had touched or hurt her best friend. It was this and only this thought that provided Emily with a renewal of confidence.

 "How about we watch a movie to take our minds off the situation? We for once don't need to be up early." Emily said smiling.

 "Ya ok I guess. I'm really tired though, I make no promises that I'll stay awake for the whole thing." JJ cracked a small smile back at her. 

Emily sat down on the couch and began channel surfing for something interesting while JJ finished putting the groceries away. She joined Emily on the couch a few minutes later, hitting the living room lights off and pulling a blanket over them to share.

 "Oho oho oho my favorite Jayje!" Emily said excitedly. 

"Ohhhh god really?" JJ groaned and let out a small laugh. 

"Yes. Absolutely. Fast and Furious is amazing. Besides, you said you're not even going to stay awake." Emily said jokingly. 

"Fine, whatever. As long as you're happy." JJ laughed, already leaning over and closing her eyes.

 Emily paused for a moment just to stop and stare at what was now a sleepy JJ. Curled up on the couch with her head resting on her shoulder, Emily couldn't help but smile. Her eyes said it all. Longing and full of desire, but also satisfied because no matter what their relationship was, she knew she just needed the woman in her life. When she was with JJ, she felt like she became a fierce protector and loved more than she ever thought possible. It made Emily feel important and needed, and even if JJ never knew that, she could live. All she truly wanted and needed was JJ. 

"Ok, come here my love." Emily said, scoping up JJ from the other side of the couch and pulling her over into her arms. 

JJ immediately snuggled in closer and let out a small smile even though her eyes were closed. Emily's heart was beating profusely and she felt warm and safe with this stunning woman embraced in her arms. Little did she know, JJ's heart was just as full and beating just as quickly. 

Jemily: A love storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon