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The jet left early the next morning with a team full of tired agents from living hard the night before. Morgan was sitting in the corner holding his head in pain from a hangover, Rossi was, well drinking again because what else does he do on the jet, and Emily was sitting on the couch reading. They had been in the air for several hours now but still had quite a ways to go. JJ noticed Emily reading and walked over to sit down next to her.

 "Hey," she said, touching Emily's knee gently as she sat down.

 "Oh, hey." Emily smiled.

 "Reading anything interesting?" JJ asked.

 "Well, that depends. Do you find the history of weird remote locations interesting?" Emily asked sarcastically. 

"Uh, I don't know, what does that even mean?" JJ laughed with a puzzled face. 

"Honestly I have no idea this is just some historical travel itinerary I picked up at the airport. It's useless." Emily scoffed and tossed the book aside. "So, what's up?" she asked the blonde. 

"Nothing. I just missed you," JJ said softly so no one could hear them and reached out to touch Emily's hand. 

Emily grinned in return and stroked the back of JJ's hand with her thumb. "I missed you too, Blackbird." 

"How is it possible that we basically haven't even been apart from each other and I miss you this much?" JJ asked giggling.

 "You miss physical connection and holding each other, that's that feeling. I know because I miss holding you and kissing you too." Emily smiled. 

All she wanted to do was embrace JJ and let her sleep on her shoulder under a blanket, but they had to be careful not to draw too much attention as their relationship was minutes old. It seemed a little weird now though since hugging JJ or letting her sleep laying across her chest would not have been considered "odd behavior" a week ago by anyone, but now they felt like any touch between them would alert everyone to their secret. 

"The second we get back, we're finding any door with a lock on it and making out." JJ teased playfully.

 "You know, we could do that but you could also come over tonight..?" Emily questioned delicately. 

She wasn't sure if inviting JJ over for a date night was too soon, however Emily couldn't stand the idea of not being able to kiss JJ when they weren't alone. Even though sneaking around during the work day was intriguing to Emily, the BAU only had so many empty rooms with locks. 

"Emily Prentiss, are you asking me on our first official date?" JJ asked grinning shly.

 "Well, let's see. If you want to call our usual friday movie night and wine hang outs but this time with a little more making out a date... then yes, I am." Emily smiled. 

"I can't wait," JJ said squeezing Emily's hand. 

"Alright, how about we get some sleep while we still can." Emily winked and said flirtily. 

"Em!" JJ laughed. 

"What I was talking about the rest of the plane ride hush," Emily giggled with a sneaky look on her face. 

"Mh sure you were." JJ laughed and rolled her eyes sarcastically as she pulled a blanket up to her chin and closed her eyes.


The jet had landed and the team was walking back through the doors of the BAU bullpen to gather their belongings before heading home after being gone for several days on the case. Derek sat down sighing heavily in his chair for a moment before making fun of Reid who had his face buried in an actual quantum physics textbook. Rossi barely reached his desk before turning around and walking right back out the door, yelling "Goodnight crew!" without even looking over his shoulder. Hotch, like usual, went straight into his office where he would probably stay for hours and sat down to start paperwork from the case. Emily arrived at her desk and rummaged through her drawers for a few items before grabbing her go bag and heading over to JJ's corner where she sat on the edge of her desk. 

Jemily: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now