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The team had all received text messages from Hotch early that morning that they had a case. Like usual on case days, the team started arriving around 7 am in the bullpen, Derek and Emily grabbing coffees, Reid at his desk reviewing files, and Hotch in his office on the phone. When he hung up, he swiftly picked up his files and walked out the door towards the roundtable room, loudly announcing, "Conference room everyone." as he went. JJ arrived a minute later to brief the team while everyone was settling down. 

"We've got four bodies and two more missing girls who fit the description of our unsubs victims. The first four were both couples, two girls aged 19 and 20 and two men who were also in a relationship ages 23 and 25." JJ said, pulling up the case info on the screen. 

"So this unsub is targeting homosexual couples." Derek stated. 

"And the age gap between the victim sets is interesting. Probably indicates that they were more victims of opportunity since they would not be hanging out in the same type of clubs." Rossi added. 

"Right. Garcia can't find any connection between the couples except for their sexuality." JJ sighed. "The two new missing victims were reported by their families 48 hours ago. They were only 16 and 17 years old, also in a relationship." 

It pained JJ that people so young, especially people who were probably already confused and newly exploring their feelings would be targeted in such a brutal way. 

"Ok, we've got a little less than two days to find these girls alive if he sticks to pattern. Wheels up in 20." Hotch said.


Emily was the first one to step onto the plane, as usual. She liked arriving first so she could pick her seat and settle in quietly since the rest of their trip would mostly be chaotic and fast paced. The rest of the team arrived not long after, and they embarked on their trip to a small town in Oregon where the killings had taken place. The plane ride would last several hours, so after the group debriefed and looked over some facts, they had the rest of the ride to do as they pleased. 

Derek appeared to be listening to music and sleeping while Rossi was alternating between case files and his book in the corner seat. Emily was finishing up a game of cards with Reid when she noticed JJ sitting on the couch looking out the window, and she could tell something was bothering her. 

"You up for another round?" Spencer asked her, but Emily responded, "Uh, not right now Spence. Maybe in a few minutes."

 She joined JJ on the couch and reached out, touching her knee lightly. 

"Hey, you okay?" she questioned.

 "Ya, I'm fine." JJ said back, even though she wanted to open up to Emily. 

That was something that they both had trouble with. Breaking down each other's walls had become easier with time and trust, and they each trusted the other with their life. But even beyond that, their pasts had taught them equally to build walls when you feel cornered, and not to break them down when someone offers to help. It could be frustrating at times, especially when all they wanted to do was heal the other and hold them while taking away every worry. But alas, that was not yet the case. 

Even so, Emily could still tell something was wrong, so she asked again, "Are you sure? Because I noticed from across the room that you look worried, and usually I'm right..." JJ paused before she spoke as if she were thinking about what to say. 

"I just don't understand why it's fair that these people who are barely out into the world for themselves are being picked out of a mass of people to be killed just because of who they love. Realizing that they were gay probably was already a tough enough experience, and at that age, you blame yourself for everything. They've got people all around  telling them that they're going to be punished for their behavior and they're not accepted. Pair that with self doubt and being a confused teenager and you feel like the whole world is against you, and it is according to this case! It's just not fair. You don't choose who you fall in love with." JJ sighed and turned back to the window, clearly upset.

 "Wow, Jayje, I had no idea you felt so strongly about this. I mean I completely agree, it isn't fair. You really can't help who you fall in love with." Emily said softly, looking at JJ with a distant, longing look. "But you know, we're here to put people like this down. After we get this guy, he won't be able to touch anyone ever again. And I know that we're going to save these girls in time, because they've got people like you who care so much looking for them." 

JJ turned away from the window to look back at Emily, catching her with a small smile. 

"Ya, I guess you're right." 

The blonde said as she placed her hand over Emily's and gave it a squeeze. 

"Hey, how much sleep did you get last night? You look tired." Emily pointed out.

 "Not enough." JJ laughed quietly. 

"Come here." Emily gestured, reaching her arms out to embrace JJ, which she fell right into. JJ rested her head up against Emily's chest and snuggled her chin down father into Emily's neck to get comfortable. The brunette wrapped one arm around JJ's waist, pulling her in tightly, using her other hand to gently stroke JJ's hair which immediately put her to sleep.

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