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Emily woke up to the sun coming through the window and JJ nestled into her neck. It really couldn't get much better than this, Emily thought to herself. It was later than they usually got to sleep in, but it was the day after a case so they only had to go into the office to do paperwork. JJ was sleeping so peacefully, her blonde hair flowing everywhere making her look so angelic. She decided to just be still for a moment and take it all in; the golden sunlight illuminating her living room, the peaceful quiet of the morning that made the world seem still, and her beautiful girlfriend snuggled perfectly into her body. 

After Emily had taken in the moment, she slipped out from underneath JJ, laying her down on a couch pillow and walked softly into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. JJ awoke several minutes later to the smell of freshly brewed coffee drifting its way into the living room. She stretched her arms and smiled because she never slept better than when she was with Emily. JJ followed the lovely smell and saw Emily standing at the counter pouring coffee from the pot into two mugs. 

She hadn't heard JJ wake up, so when the blonde slipped her arms around Emily's waist and kissed the back of her neck, she smiled in surprise. 

"Mh, good morning my love," Emily said sweetly as she turned around, softly placing her lips on JJ's. JJ leaned in and smiled through the kiss. 

"I wish I could wake up to this every day," JJ said. 

"Someday you can, blackbird." Emily smiled and handed her one of the mugs from the counter.

 "We have to go into the office today don't we?" JJ sighed, realizing that she couldn't stay in paradise all day. 

"Ya we should get going soon. At least it's not a case day," Emily pointed out. 

They both took a few sips of coffee before setting the mugs down and heading off to get ready. 

"Hey Em? Can I borrow some clothes?" JJ laughed as she remembered the only clothes she had were the ones she had worn all day yesterday. 

"Of course babe pick anything you want." Emily said and pointed to her closet. 

A few minutes later after everyone was dressed and washed up, Emily grabbed her keys, JJ picked up her bag, and the two headed out to their cars to drive to the BAU.


Almost the whole team was already in the bullpen, and no one really thought twice about JJ and Emily walking in together, but it did spark Kate's attention that they were arriving together later than normal, and that JJ seemed to be wearing a shirt that looked an awful like one of Emily's that she had worn the week before. 

"Hey ladies," Kate said intrigued. "Do anything fun last night?" She continued, poking around for fun.

 "Uh nope. Just clocked in early and got a lot of sleep." Emily smiled politely. 

"Ya, same." JJ sighed. "How about you?" She asked. 

"Oh nothing much. Meg and I caught up for a little while but I was exhausted." Kate said.

 Hotch interrupted their conversation before it could go any further, asking, "JJ, do you have the field report from the Watson case?"

 "Um yes it should be right on my desk. Just give me one minute and I'll find it for you." JJ said as she quickly rifled through papers on her desk looking for the file. 

Everyone had gone off to their own corners now to start work for the day, and JJ handed Hotch the files before returning to her own desk to begin picking the next case for the team to take. Over the next few days, the BAU was relatively quiet which did not happen often. Despite the fact that there hadn't really been much team interaction, Kate was well aware that Emily and JJ would disappear together for a little every day and then return like nothing had happened. She wasn't stupid, she knew damn well what was going on by now, especially when JJ would come back with her shirt not tucked in right or Emily's hair would be slightly more ruffled than when she left. But Kate was their friend, and she didn't want to pressure them into telling if they weren't ready.

 Things continued at this pace for a few weeks with the BAU working one or two cases and closing them quickly until one day, the peaceful routine was broken. It was around 10 in the morning and work was being carried out as usual with everyone at their desks when JJ got a text from an unknown number. 

The text simply read, "I need you to meet me, we've got a problem. -RM"

 That was extremely odd, JJ thought. Agent Ryan Matthews had been one of her only trusted sources during some deep investigative operations with the state department, and he had cut off contact after their mission ended for both of their safety. She didn't even know how he had gotten her phone number since all their contact even during the mission had been strictly on burner numbers and disposable cell phones. 

JJ suddenly got very nervous and stood up to leave the bullpen. As far as she was concerned, Ryan Matthews and Jennifer Jareau never knew each other. Once she was out in the hallway, she responded to the text message with her 9 digit identification code that only the small group of undercover agents from her operation would recognize. If this really was Agent Ryan Matthews, he would know what to do. 


JJ quickly looked down at her phone. There was his 9 digit code in return. It was really him. 

"Where should I meet you?" She typed in response. 

"At our spot. 9 pm." the text said.

 JJ was extremely freaked out now. This mission should have been dead two years ago and there had been not one mention of it since they closed camp. Why it was coming back up now and what the problem could be, she had no idea. It wasn't unusual for Ryan and JJ to meet up at their spot late at night when they first went undercover, but it felt wrong now and she had a bad feeling about the whole situation. What could she do though except go and hope that this was an easily resolvable issue. 

JJ quietly walked back into the bullpen and sat down at her desk to continue her work like nothing had happened.

 "Everything okay?" Emily asked, noticing JJ had been gone for several minutes and looked unsettled. 

"Ya, everything's fine." JJ glanced a quick smile at Emily before looking back down at her desk. 

She hated lying to her, but this was something that she couldn't tell anyone for their own safety. And for the first time in a long time, JJ started to worry about her own. 

Jemily: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now