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"Tallulah let's go!" JJ yelled from the kitchen, hurriedly throwing dishes in the sink and grabbing her shoes and jacket. 

"Coming mama!" Four year old Tallulah came running around the corner dressed in a little red dress and pigtails. 

"Where's mommy?" JJ asked and bent down to pick her daughter up. 

"I'm here babe." Emily said around the corner, carrying two year old Toby.

 "Hi my sweet boy!" JJ said in a high pitched voice, kissing Toby on the check. 

"Alright, you ready?" JJ asked Emily before giving her a kiss on the lips. 

"Yep, kids are dressed and I think we're ready." Emily said looking around the room to make sure they'd grabbed everything. 

JJ, Emily and their two children were on their way out the door for the morning to get their kids to school and head to work. 

"Baby do you have your backpack?" Emily asked the little girl in JJ's arms.

 "It's in the car mommy," Tallulah said smiling brightly, responding to Emily. 

"Perfect, let's go!" Emily exclaimed.

Emily had parked their car in the drop off circle at their children's elementary school and JJ had gotten out to walk them to the door. 

"Bye sweetheart, I'll see you later!" JJ said, giving Tallulah a big kiss and a wave goodbye to Toby. She headed back to the car and her and Emily drove off to work.

The two had been married for two years now and their children were loved like family by the whole team. Penelope and Spencer were their godparents, and Tallulah called Dave 'Papa Rossi.' Morgan was the uncle that they didn't have since neither Emily or JJ had any brothers. He was their babysitter when they wanted to have a girls night with Kate and Garcia and the kids got so excited whenever they heard uncle Derek would be coming over. The two walked into the BAU holding hands, ready to start their day just like any other. Morgan saw them and laughed. 

"Hey the Jareau-Prentiss team how are we doing this morning?" 

"I'll be better once I get my coffee." JJ joked, giving her wife a hand squeeze before letting go and walking over to the coffee station. 

Reid and Kate and at Spencer's desk working on a crossword puzzle. Rossi was drinking his coffee undisturbed by the morning chaos. Emily smiled, looking around at her team and her wife realizing her life couldn't get any better. Hotch appeared from his office and stopped near the team, saying what he always said, "Conference room everyone. We've got a new case."

Thank you everyone for reading!! Sorry this update took a little while, I'm starting school right now :) 

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