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JJ stirred first at about 8 am the next morning. She opened her eyes to find that she had wrapped herself around Emily, and Emily's hands were gently curled around her. She thought for a moment about just falling back asleep. This was her perfect heaven. Safe in Emily's warm arms, smelling her strong vanilla and wine scent, JJ could not think of any other place in the world she would rather be. But alas, Emily began to wake as well. She looked down and realized how she was holding JJ and gently but quickly pulled away.

 "Good morning, Blackbird." Emily whispered. 

Blackbird was Emily's nickname for JJ after she had suggested that she should tattoo over a scar on her breast with a blackbird. Emily loved it because it used to bring her so much pain looking at it and remembering Ian Doyle, but now it reminded her of JJ. 

"What do you want to do today?" Emily asked.

 "Well the carnival is still in town and we know the unsub hunted there before. Half the town has either gone or is going tonight for the last day. He'll definitely be there." JJ pointed out. 

"Okay." Emily said, nodding slowly. "And while we're there, maybe I'll win you a teddy bear," Emily said flirtingly as she remembered they were supposed to be portraying an actual couple. 

"I'd expect nothing less, my love." JJ said with a sexy but sarcastic tone, knowing that Emily was only playing off their mission. 

"Alright, up you go. Let's take a walk to the coffee shop and get breakfast." Emily laughed, standing up and pulling JJ with her.

While they were at the coffee shop sitting at an outside table so as to be visible from the street, Emily's phone rang. 

"Hey PG, what's up? You've got me and JJ here." Emily spoke into the phone. 

"Just checking in on my favorite lovers..." Garcia trailed off in hopes of getting a reaction. 

Emily just smiled and rolled her eyes to JJ. "Penelope...we're not actually lovers. You do know that right?" Emily asked goofily. 

"You keep telling yourselves that..." Garcia said under her breath so neither agents could really hear what she said.

 "Alright Pen can I actually do something for you or are you just calling to torment us?" 

"While torment is my specialty, Hotch wanted me to check in and find out what your plans are for the day." Garcia said. 

"Oh, well Jayje and I are just getting breakfast now and we were planning on heading out to the carnival later tonight since the unsub will almost definitely be there." Emily said confidently. 

"Alrighty, sounds good. Enjoy your night you two. Maybe pop an extra bottle of wine and--" Garcia said in a sexy voice to mock them before she was cut off. 

"Goodbyeee Garcia," Emily said directly into the phone and hung up. "My god what are we going to do with her?" Emily said laughing. 

"Oh she's just being good old Penelope. She'll probably be booking our wedding by the time we get home." JJ said before blushing a little at what she had just said.

 "Why don't we head home for a bit?" JJ asked quickly, trying to move on from the moment. Emily smiled and stood up, grabbing JJ's hand which she held happily for the whole walk home.


Emily and JJ were scheduled to leave for the carnival at 7:30 pm that night. They were running a bit behind schedule but the fair didn't close until 11 pm so they had time. Emily had changed into jeans and a tight red shirt that perfectly accentuated her features. Over that she slipped on a black jacket and low black boots. 

"Jayje hurry up we're going to be late!" Emily yelled from the kitchen as she gathered her purse and keys.

 "Sorry, sorry, I'm coming!" JJ scrambled out of the bedroom. 

This time it was Emily who stopped and stared. JJ had also thrown on dark skinny jeans but with a tight white long sleeve shirt and a dark blue jacket with buttons. Emily loved when JJ wore white, although she would never tell her that. White made her blonde hair and blue eyes paired with her smooth tan skin pop beautifully. Her hair was long and wavy around her shoulders, and Emily quite honestly forgot to breathe for a moment while looking at her. 

"You good, Em?" JJ said laughing, brushing off the situation but knowing damn well that Emily had been looking at her and she loved it. 

"Yeah, yeah of course let's go." Emily said, snapping out of it. 

Jemily: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now