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The early morning sun shone through the delicate curtains and caused JJ to stirr in bed. It took her a moment to realize where she was, and another moment to actually remember what had happened in this bed the previous night. JJ touched her fingers to her lips as it slowly came back to her. She had completely given herself to Emily once and for all, and they had most certainly dominated this bedroom. JJ realized then that she was alone, the sheets on Emily's side had been pushed back like someone had gotten up. She was still bare from the night before, so she slipped on her underwear and an oversized t-shirt before leaving the room. JJ quietly walked down the hallway and smelled something delicious cooking in the kitchen. Emily was standing at the counter with her back to JJ preparing something. JJ couldn't help but smile staring at the woman who had her hair loosely pinned up and was wearing matching black sweatpants and cropped black tank top.

 "Hey," JJ said softly and Emily turned around. 

"Good morning," she responded, smiling. "I made us something to eat. I figured you would be a little worn out from last night." Emily joked. 

"Mh, and who's fault is that?" JJ said smirking, walking over to the table where they both sat down with plates of toast, eggs, and fruit in front of them.They talked briefly while eating, having a casual conversation but clearly avoiding discussion of last night's events. Almost at the perfect moment, Emily's cell phone rang.

"Hey Hotch, what's going on?" Emily spoke.

"We've got a suspect in custody. Garcia pulled the footage from the entrance security camera and got a hit on the man you described. Morgan, Kate, and Rossi are at his house now. You two can meet us back at the station and ID him while we try to get a confession." Hotch said through the phone. 

"Okay, were on our way." Emily responded and hung up. 

"They've got someone in custody. We have to go ID him at the station." Emily said to JJ, standing up and placing her plate in the sink.


JJ and Emily arrived at the station half an hour later and met the rest of the team behind the glass of the interrogation room. Morgan was in there with the suspect trying to get him to confess while the rest of the team was gathered looking at his file.

 "His name is Walter Erwin. 41 years old and a local here in town." Hotch said sternly. "Is that the guy you two saw?" Hotch asked the girls.

 "Yea that's him." Emily sighed. 

Kate was standing over a table with dozens of images spread across it a few feet away.

 "Look at this guys. He had all the pictures of you two in his house. So creepy." Kate said, tossing down the pictures she was holding. 

There were images of JJ and Emily throughout the whole night at the fair, even when they had first arrived. 

"He was there the whole time, just watching us." JJ said shuttering. 

Emily was holding a picture that showed the two the top of the ferris wheel. It was right before he had been noticed, when Emily had her hand placed on JJ's face and the distance between them couldn't have been more than a few inches. Rossi looked over and noticed the photo she was holding. 

"You guys really pulled that couple scheme off well," he joked. 

Emily and JJ both awkwardly avoided eye contact and Emily placed the photo upside down on the table so as not to be seen. Kate noticed this obvious yet uncomfortable situation unfold and wondered to herself if there was a chance that something had actually happened between the two. They had become so close so quickly when Emily joined the team that it almost made sense in Kate's mind that they were more than friends, even if they maybe didn't know it. Morgan entered from the interrogation room then, breaking the silence. 

"He lawyered up, but it shouldn't matter now. We can run his DNA against the one we found at the crime scene and he's got tons of photos of the other sets of victims right before he abducted them." Morgan said. 

"Ya he's got photos of JJ and Emily last night at the fairground too." Hotch added. "Local police will take it from here, our jobs done." Hotch said as he walked out of the room. 

Morgan noticed the table of photos and picked one up. This one showed Emily and JJ holding hands while Emily fed JJ a fluff of cotton candy. 

"Damn my ladies," Derek said in a sexy but joking voice that he knew was going to make them annoyed. 

"Give me that!" Emily said irritatedly and grabbed the photo out of his hands.

 "Okay, okay." Derek laughed.

 Emily walked out the door and everyone followed behind her. After all the paperwork for Walter Erwin had been filed and the conference room where the team set up had been cleared out, it was around 4 p.m.

"We'll leave tomorrow morning." Hotch said to the team. 

"Anyone up for dinner and drinks?" Rossi questioned. 

"I could sure use a couple beers." Derek responded. 

"Mh ya I second that. Count me in!" Kate laughed. 

"Alright we'll meet in town in a few hours then." Rossi said cheerfully and walked out the PD doors. 

"I guess we're getting drinks then," Emily turned to JJ and said. 

"That we are." JJ smiled awkwardly.

 The two had not talked for most of the day, even though all they both wanted to do was sit down on their own away from everyone else and talk about everything that had happened. JJ had caught herself stealing glances at Emily throughout the day to see if she was as distracted as she was. Luckily they had already apprehended the unsub so there was not a ton of work to focus on. If there had been, JJ certainly would not have been able to finish it. Emily felt the same way and found it incredibly difficult not to look at or touch JJ all day. Although, she wasn't even sure that's something that JJ wanted now. God, she just wanted to talk with her and now they were stuck going out to drinks.

 Emily and JJ had to return back to their rented home before going out since all their belongings were still there. They got ready with minimal conversation, up until they were ready to leave and Emily saw the dress that JJ had put on. It wasn't overly fancy since they were just hanging out with the team, but god, she looked stunning. The dress was black and fell short at her mid thighs. It was spaghetti strapped and not fitted, but it scooped down just enough to reveal a small amount of JJ's cleavage. Her golden hair was wavy and fell loosely over her shoulders. 

"Wow..." Emily said, just staring at JJ with wide eyes.

 "What? You see something you like?" JJ asked laughing. 

"Most definitely," Emily gawked.

 This was the first real indication from Emily that JJ had received all day that suggested her feelings toward the woman.

"We should talk, you know." JJ said softly to Emily. 

"Ya, I know. I'll tell you what. How about when we get home tonight and it's finally just the two of us, we can talk all night if we want to." Emily said lightly, taking JJ's hand in her own.

 "Okay." JJ said and smiled gently. 

Jemily: A love storyWhere stories live. Discover now