Chapter 52 - Fun with Friends

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The day after yule all the adults decided they would have a lazy morning, unlike everyone else who decided they would meet up with all their friends. Percy was meeting up with Oliver, who was pretty much his only friend, except Penelope, however he's had a crush on her since the end of their fourth year, so it was different. Fred and George were meeting up with Lee, Angelina, Alicia and Katie. While Draco and Rosalie were meeting all of there friends. They woke up at about 7 am so they could leave at 8 am, which was the time they had planned to meet their friends, much Rosalie and Draco's horror who both loved to sleep, the twins usually woke up to plan what pranks to create and Percy was usually up reading so they weren't really affected by it.

At 8 am they left through the floo, and just like every other time she's used the floo, she face planted as soon as she got to the other side, much to her friends amusement. When Rosalie stood and brushed her, now dirty, knees off, she immediately rushed to tackle Daphne in a tight hug, much to her horror. When everyone else flooed in, they somehow stayed on their feet, which Rosalie was particularly annoyed about, you'd think after all this time she would be able to stay on her feet while flooing, but no she landed on her face. Every. Single. Time. Fred, George and Percy waved goodbye to everyone as soon as they got into the leaky cauldron and ran to say hello to their own friends.

They decided they would go to a small café in celestial alley, called fantastical foods, which Rosalie was pretty sure was run by muggleborns, seeing as they sold muggle food as well as magical foods. The owners vanished some of the other tables and enlarged the middle table so that all of them could sit around the table comfortably. At first they mostly spoke about their holidays so far, thanking each other for the gifts. Rosalie and Gregory were talking about the pets they had gotten, Gregory had decided to call his cobra Ade, which was an African name meaning royal one. Rosalie thought it was lovely. She had decided to call her lion cubs Amara, meaning elegance or grace, for the only female cub, Boipelo, meaning prideful, and Jelani meaning full of strength. She thought they were cute, she had done a lot of research and found African names she thought were nice. Greg and Rosalie were discussing tips on how to properly care for rare animals. Greg was so excited when he opened his present, however his mother looked like she was going to faint, much to his fathers amusement.

Everyone was really grateful for their presents, Rosalie thought that Blaise looked great in the leather jacket she got him and Blaise seemed to agree. "My mum seems to like it to, she had never really thought muggles had nice anything, but she seems to really like the muggle clothing, she even went to muggle London herself to buy herself some clothes, she loves all of them", Rosalie grinned, she loved when pure bloods realised that muggles weren't completely useless, Rosalie didn't get along with many muggles and although she did think the magical and muggle world should be separated, she knew that it was impossible to separate them completely because of how many Muggle borns there were every year. Rosalie also loved some of the inventions that muggles have created, like the pen, it was so much better than using a quill, and a lot less mess was created when you used a pen.

They sat in the cafe for about 2 hours catching up on everything they had done for the last couple days, they probably wouldn't see each other for the rest of break because most of them would be going on holiday so this would be their last chance to hang out. However it quickly came to 10.00 o'clock, which was the time Rosalie had to meet Sirius and Remus. It was finally time to be adopted by the two people who she knew unconditionally loved her. Even her past life Rosalie knew she was loved by them. She would never forget the sacrifice her birth parents have to make sure she lived, however she wanted to finally be apart of a family, one that no one would be able to take her from.

Her friends decided that they wanted to spend the entire day together so they were all going to go to Gringotts together, when they arrived Sirius and Remus were standing outside waiting for them. As soon as she saw them Rosalie practically sprinted to them in her excitement. She was like a child, dragging Sirius and Remus in by the hands as quickly as she could. Both Sirius and Remus also had massive grins on their faces. They were just as excited as Rosalie was, they loved her so much and had always thought of her as their own even when James and lily were alive. They should've been with her a lot sooner then they were, but Sirius acted like a fool and let his anger control him. On the other hand Remus let his grief and fear of his wolf get the better of him, but he knew now that he was wrong, Rosalie was so much more to him important than she would ever understand and it was finally time for him to start showing her, like he should've all those years ago.

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