Chapter 32 - sixth year explained

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Rosalie spent the weekend getting to know Draco's childhood friends better. Even though she was friends with all of them she was so much closer to her Hufflepuff friends. So Saturday morning after Halloween she decided to first get to know the girls whilst they were doing there homework. After breakfast she went back to her dorm with her dorm mates to start on her potions homework. Whilst they were doing their homework they talked about silly things such as who was dating who and the others asked Rosalie what the muggles were like seeing as she had experience being around them and they didn't.

Rosalie had a lot of fun becoming closer to her Slytherin friends and by the time lunch came around she had finished her potions homework, transfiguration homework and charms homework. They all walked to the great hall slowly meeting the boys from Slytherin on the way. Rosalie ate her lunch quickly wanting to arrive at the room of requirement as soon as possible so she could finish story.

She met up with the twins on her way to the seventh floor. Voldemort was already there when they arrived and was sitting patiently reading a book Rosalie quickly realised was about the dark arts, not that she was bothered, Rosalie had been planning on learning the dark arts at some point but she wanted to wait until she was at least in third year as, she had heard, the dark arts could be magically taxing and if started too young could damage the magical core. She had read extensively about the dark arts when she was at home with Sirius and Remus, not that she had let them see, she didn't want them to know just yet.

As everyone sat down Rosalie's house elves immediately put snacks and drinks around the table having been through this multiple times over the last couple of weeks. "Okay" Rosalie started. "My sixth year wasn't my worst year, but it definitely was not my best. At the start of the year Dumbledore decided him and I were going to go to see Horace Slughorn as Dumbledore thought he would be helpful in the upcoming war", Voldemort scowled slightly at the mention of Slughorn's name but did not interrupt Rosalie. She carried on by telling them how when they got there he was hiding as the furniture. Rosalie sighed annoyed at the memory "he repeatedly said no at first, but we got him to agree in turn end, he was to be are new potions Professor", Rosalie could see the twins begin to grin but she quickly explained while laughing that Snape was their new defence professor. Their faces dropped simultaneously and they let out wails of despair. Voldemort looked a cross between amused and irritated when he looked at the twins, he really wanted to finish Rosalie's story.

Rosalie carried on by saying "this was the year I realised that something was wrong. During the summer before my sixth year I went to Gringotts in secret and found out about Sirius leaving me everything that he owned except money and property for Remus. They explained that Sirius and my parents used the old ways when choosing Godmother and Godfather, which would make it impossible for him to betray me as we were closed connected by blood." Voldemort looked confused at her explanation though, "how did you realise Dumbledore's betrayal though". Rosalie looked furious as she explained that when doing the ritual for the godparents bond they needed a witness who was not related to anyone in the room by blood or by marriage, the witness also needed to be light and pure by the parents of the child and by magic herself, they could not use Remus as a werewolf was a dark creature. She then explained that they also needed someone with a significant amount of magical power. This meant that Pettigrew couldn't do it because he was lacking in magical power. Voldemort nodded in realisation. "Ah, so that meant they chose Dumbledore to be witness". Rosalie nodded her head in agreement, "which means that Dumbledore would have known your godfather was innocent as joining me would have meant betraying you", Rosalie nodded again.

The twins looked horrified at hearing this about their headmaster, why would someone intentionally leave another person in such a horrible place, they were beginning to realise how wrong they were about Dumbledore, and it made them sick, they were glad Rosalie came into their lives otherwise they might not have ever found out about him and just blindly followed him like their family.

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