Chapter 30 - Fifth year explained

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The week went by quickly, with Rosalie spending time in the library with her friends from her year and planning pranks with the twins. When the twins weren't in lessons or planning pranks with Rosalie they were trying to get closer to Percy, who didn't understand why they were around him all the time and assumed that they were planning to do a prank on him and was trying to make him trust them enough to catch him by surprise, which they haven't been able to do for a while. The twins were sad about this but understood why he felt this way, realising that Rosalie was right and that Percy felt like an outsider to the rest of the family, which was largely because of them that he felt this way.

Finally the weekend arrived and Rosalie and the twins were back in the room requirement. At the moment all they were doing was lazing around on the couches waiting for Voldemort to come in. They got so bored they ended up having a paper fight, which was what Voldemort walked in on. He stared perplexed at the balls of scrunched up paper being thrown around the room. He sighed in annoyance not wanting to deal with annoying children at that moment. "Would you three stop behaving like children so we can finish this stupid story already" he snarled at them. The twins and Rosalie umped in shock not noticing that Voldemort was there. Noticing his dark look and not wanting to test his patience they sat down on the sofas provided by the room. "Good now that were seated we can carry on with the story" Voldemort stated.

Rosalie nodded and considered where to begin. Remembering where she finished off with last time she continued her story. "OK, so my fifth year started off with dementors..." she began. She spoke about how she was having nightmares for the whole of the summer, where she was forced to go back to the Dursleys on Dumbledore's orders. The nightmares were about the end of her fourth year, which made Voldemort grimace when he remembered what he did to her in her past life. He didn't care the Diggory boy had died but Rosalie was zfdtfrbecoming a friend to him, which was a first since he never really had friends before, but Rosalie and Voldemort talked a lot, including outside of the room of requirement, they spoke after class and he often invited her over for tea after classes had finished. Rosalie was becoming extremely important to him and the fact that he hurt her made him feel pain that he had never experienced before, it was odd he didn't know what this feeling was.

Voldemort carried on listening to Rosalie's tale, as she told them about her cousin mocking her for the nightmares and soon after a group of dementors came and attacked them, forcing her to use the patronus charm, which made the ministry of magic to expel her from Hogwarts. After this happened she was picked up by the order of the phoenix and taken to Grimmauld place, which was the order of the phoenix' hide out as well as being Sirius' old home that he hated more than anything,which was shown when he started yelling at the screeching portrait of his mother, making it clear that he hated her. like he hated the rest of his family. Rosalie quickly explained her time spent at Grimmauld place, telling Voldemort and the twins that they went to a trial and Rosalie was allowed to come back to Hogwarts. When Rosalie explained how Mrs Weasley wouldn't allow Sirius to tell her anything about the war, on Dumbledore's orders, which infuriated Rosalie to know end and how Mrs Weasley also made everyone clean the house as it was filthy after years of neglect the twins nodded knowing their mother would do something like that.

That was pretty much the end of that and the Golden trio quickly ended up back at Hogwarts. Voldemort and the twins listened closely as Rosalie recounted how she met her close friend Luna Lovegood. Rosalie smiled as she thought of Luna, she missed her and would have to get in contact with her soon.

Rosalie carried on by telling them about arriving at Hogwarts and learns about the ministry not believing him and Dumbledore that Voldemort was back, which caused them to send someone from the ministry to become the new defence teacher, her name was Dolores Umbridge, who firmly believed that Rosalie was lying. Voldemort narrowed his not understanding the venom in Rosalie's voice as she said the women's name. Rosalie sighed "Umbridge was a horrible woman and made a lot of students lives difficult, and her punishments were barbaric" she spat, "I hated her, and still do".

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