Chapter 14 - The Rules in Slytherin

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Professor Snape glided his eyes over each of the new Slytherin first years, only stopping to glare when they hit Rosalie. "First years" professor Snape started in a soft silky voice, "welcome to Slytherin house, this house has a lot of prejudice as they believe we are all evil, you will stay in groups of no less than two to protect yourselves the other houses are much less likely to try to fight against you if you are in a group. That is the main rule in Slytherin the other main rule is if you argue with any other Slytherin you keep it in the common room, outside the common we look like a united force and like we have no problems with each other. Are there any other questions?", when no one raised there hands professor Snape continued. "My door is always opened if you are having any problems and need my help with anything, if at anytime I am not going to be there I will tell a prefect who will then tell you. I will expect all of you to be punctual and hand in your homework on time for every lesson, none of you will be out after curfew and if I find that anyone has been there will be serious consequences, each of you will get your timetable and I have personally created a map for each of you of the castle so you don't get lost you will get both of those tomorrow morning at breakfast, if you have any problems that are not serious go to one of the prefects. I will expect all of you to try your best in every class and all of you will be in bed by 10 o clock and up for breakfast by 7 o clock, is there anyone here who thinks they will have trouble following any of these rules?" Again no one raised there hands. "Good that is all, everyone to bed now boys on the left and girls on the right, goodnight."

Everyone rushed up to bed, wanting to get to sleep quickly looking forward to what the next day would bring. All the girls walked and went to the bed that had their trunk in front of it. They all yawned tiredly and said sleepy good nights to each other before there heads hit there individual pillows and they simultaneously fell into a deep sleep.

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