Chapter 29 - The Howler

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Rosalie was sitting at the Slytherin table on Monday morning eating silently whilst she listened to the conversations floating around her. Mail Owls came flocking into the great hall however Rosalie just ignored them, not expecting anything as Sirius and Remus had already sent a letter to her the night before. Shockingly a red envelope landed in her eggs and she stared it until she heard whispers around her table. She looked up at the head table and watched as the Howler registered in Dumbledore's mind before an unnoticeable smirk split across his face. Internally snorting at Dumbledore's idiocy for thinking she was about to get yelled at by Sirius of all people she slowly opened the letter. 

"ROSALIE POTTER I CANT BELIEVE YOU..." Sirius began yelling before his changed and turned into a high pitched squeal as excitement over took him, "didn't tell me about that this amazing prank you and these Weasley pulled", at this moment she could hear the fake sobbing and Rosalie rolled her eyes at her Godfather's ridiculousness. His speech carried on with "Your the newest little Marauder", which made Rosalie grin at the thought of Mcgonagall hearing about this, seeing as Rosalie was pretty sure she Mcgonagall was traumatized from her experience with the Marauders. Sirius carried on with "you'd make your dad so proud" he faked sniffled, but his words made Rosalie flush in happiness knowing that her father would be happy about what she did. He finished with a very dramatic "YOU HEAR THAT DUMBLEDORE, YOU OLD COOT, THERE'S GONNA BE SOME NEW MARAUDERS AROUND. BETTER WATCH OUT HOGWARTS! WOOHOO!" Rosalie shook with silent laughter until she heard Remus yell at Sirius to stop being an idiot and finish the bloody Howler already, which caused Rosalie to burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, along with most of the rest of the school who were not Slytherin, who only smirked in amusement, seeing as they were too dignified to ever do something so unruly. After a while Rosalie with the rest of the school slowly calmed and Rosalie turned her head to look at Dumbledore, the fury on his face made Rosalie to grin but she didn't want to look obvious about it, his fury was  not obvious to the rest of the school, however during the war Rosalie trained herself to be able to spot things like this. 

At the other end of the great hall Fred and George were whispering furiously to each other, no one was bothered by this as it was a common affair and just left them to it, internally praying they weren't victim to their next prank. However the twins were planning a prank, they were whispering about their heroes and about how they were be able to get Rosalie to bring them to Potter Manor at Christmas. They had been planning this since the day Rosalie explained what happened in her third yer, but now they knew that Sirius was still a big kid they wanted to meet them so much more. Percy stared at his brothers in slight fear not really knowing what to expect, people often thought that he didn't care about his family but that was definitely untrue, he just had a hard time showing. Percy knew he didn't belong in his family, he was too serious and too responsible and only his mother seemed happy about this. Feeling eyes on them the twins looked up and saw Percy staring at them with a distant look in his eyes. The whole school believed that the twins hated Percy, but that wasn't true, hay loved their brother. They knew that he was unhappy, especially because he didn't really fit in with their family, but he was their brother, so they tried making him happier by pranking him, thinking it would make him laugh. However all it did was make Percy feel more isolated, Percy believed that the twins pranking was to show how unwelcome he was in their family. 

Back at the Slytherin table Rosalie stared at Percy, she noticed the twins looking at him with frowns on their faces, which was odd because they looked so different when they were not smiling and joking around. She knew that Percy felt different to his family which made him fell like he didn't belong, it was the reason Rosalie wasn't angry at him like everyone else was when he went to work for the minister and left his family when they sided with Rosalie and Dumbledore instead of him and the minister about Voldemort returning,  Percy believed that was the last straw, choosing their sons friend over there own son, he finally left when he thought he wasn't welcome, but Rosalie also knew that wasn't the case with twins and that they both loved him and missed him greatly when he left. Rosalie frowned as she rises from her eat at the end of breakfast, she was supposed to be going to the library with Draco and meet all her friends, but she wanted to talk to the twins about Percy, they needed to do something before what happened last time was repeated.   

Rosalie quickly got off her seat and casually strolled over to the Gryffindor table, where everyone gave her weird looks, whilst Ron and Hermione were glaring furiously at her. Rosalie had been ignoring them for a while now but as it got closer to Halloween she started to remember the events of that day. Everything was wonderful she never knew of the betrayal and she never noticed them acting weird towards that started at the end of her fourth year and she started questioning Dumbledore more. Rosalie quickly walked past the two traitors and walked straight to the twins. She threw herself onto the bench next to George and grinned at them. They both looked quite shocked seeing as she never came to talk to them in public and only really talked to them when they were planning pranks or talking about her past.

Rosalie leaned in and whispered "we need to talk" in George's and stood up expecting for the twins to follow her. She waved at Fay as she walked past, who waved back cheerily shocking most of the Hall who never expected a Gryffindor and a Slytherin to be getting on so well. Rosalie stopped in an empty classroom and put up a silencing spell around the room when the twins walked in. The twins grinned at her before noticing her serious expression, so they sat at one of the tables. "We need to talk about your brother" she said rather bluntly, the twins raised one of their eyebrows simultaneously and said in unison "what did ickle Ronniekins do this time". Rosalie in amusement at the ridiculous nickname for Ron but shook her head, "i'm not talking about Ron, i'm talking about Percy". 

They raised furrowed their eyebrows in confusion so she continued "look, in my old life Percy worked for the ministry and believed everything that the minister said. He didn't believe that Voldemort was alive and was eve more of an outcast to the family than he is now" Both the twins stared at Rosalie in horror, "wait when you mean he was an outcast" Fred started, "you mean that he left home and didn't talk to the family" George finished. Rosalie nodded gravely, "i want that to not happen in this time, and i know you love Percy, but to do that you need to stop pranking him" she demanded. "Bu..." George began, "no buts" Rosalie interrupted. "It doesn't make him feel better or make him happy, it makes him think you hate him and that you're trying to make him even more of an outcast in the family, so you need to talk to him, do you understand me boys" she said passionately. The twins nodded mutely.

All three of them left the classroom after Rosalie got rid of the silencing a they all practically ran to their first lesson, Rosalie quickly hugged the twins goodbye as she ran to her Herbology lesson with Ravenclaw, getting to her class with a second to spare. 

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