Chapter 41 - Time to explain again!

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With a loud popping sound Rosalie and her family arrived at the gates of Potter Manor. The Weasleys looked around expecting something small and modest. However that is not what they saw. As they looked around they stared in amazement at beautiful golden gates in front of them. Before they realised what had happened as they were still gaping at the vast amount of land behind the gates that seemed to go on for miles, Rosalie had grabbed each of their hands without them noticing and put one of their fingers in the mouth of the lion that would connect them to the wards. This slight pinch of pain from the needle had made all three of the Weasleys come out of there awed state. They were going to say something about the pain but the gates slowly opened, revealing the most beautiful gardens they had ever seen, thus sight made the words on their tongues die away. Rosalie was amused at their antics, however she was starting to get cold, so she quickly led them into the gardens, following Remus, Sirius and the Malfoys who had already started walking.

It took them about 20 minutes to walk to the large oak door, Rosalie grabbed the handle that was shaped like a lions head and turned to the twins and Percy grinning and said with an exaggerated voice "well boys I'd like to welcome you to Potter Manor" before turning the handle and dramatically pushing the door open. Once again the three Weasleys gaped at their surroundings, although not the biggest manor ever, for example the Malfoy Manor was a lot bigger, which was because compared to the other pureblood families the Potters were humble and liked to live comfortably instead of extravagantly. The three Weasleys were still amazed by the sight of the Manor as they had never seen anything so expensive looking. As they looked around they saw many vases with flowers that looked very expensive and valuable.

As they were planning on packing their clothes away the next day and dinner wouldn't be done until at least another hour Rosalie and Draco decided to take Fred, George and Percy on a tour of the manor, while he adults went to the informal sitting room. First Rosalie showed them the two sitting rooms in the manor, first the informal one, which had a large see through coffee table in the middle of the room, with 2 big black leather sofas on either side of the long oval table. There was two black leather arm chairs on each edge of the oval table. Scattered around the room were many bean bags of every colour. The walls were a light grey colour and attached to those walls were many shelves filled with pictures of Rosalie and Remus and Sirius. James and Lily, and James and Lily's wedding photo which had Lily and all the marauders, except peter, who couldn't make the wedding ceremony as he was in a death eater meeting.

The next room they were lead to was the most formal living room. The first thing that was noticed when you first walked into the room was how boring it was, unlike the informal living room it had dull colours and wasn't bright and cheery. Everything was a bright gold colours, to show how well off the potters were to other pure bloods who visited. A large golden rug with roses on it was laid out on the wooden floor. This rug had a square coffee table placed on it, and placed on the edge of that was two gold sofas with a lamp in between them. A large window was visible from the arm chair placed at the edge of the rug and next to the window was an old grandfather clock. Pictures of flowers and scenery lined the dark grey walls and a large chandelier hung from the ceiling.

Rosalie and the Weasleys decided to leave this room quickly not wanting to be in it any longer, the next room was just as boring though. It was a huge room with the biggest chandelier ever seen hanging from the ceiling. The room had the Potter crest on the centre of each of the walls. A large see through door that took up half the wall, which if you looked through you could see the multi coloured rose garden. The walls were a black colour that had silver swirls on it that brightened up the whole room. This room was the ball room.

They left this room quickly and headed down the brightly coloured halls and Rosalie pointed out certain rooms that were pointless to go into such as the house elves rooms, the multiple offices that had which were claimed by Remus, Sirius' office was attached to the master bedroom, and Rosalie's was attached to the heirs rooms, the kitchens, but Loopy would have a fit if they entered. There were many other rooms as well but the last room Rosalie showed them was the music room. This room was filled to the brim with every instrument you could think of. The most obvious instruments was a beautiful shiny black grand piano sitting in the middle of the room. At least four guitars were spread around the room and a large drum set was placed against the back wall. The Weasleys had never seen anything like it, the room was incredible.

Rosalie just grinned and walked out of the room. They walked back up the long hallway and arrived back at the front door, as right in front of the door was a grand staircase made of marble and had glitter all over it. The manor was mostly filled with bedrooms, but Rosalie had already decided that where there rooms would be placed. When Sirius and Remus moved into the manor Rosalie decided that they would get the master bedroom, even though they tried to argue with her she just ignored them and moved into the heirs rooms, which was pretty much exactly the same as the masters room just a bit smaller. All the guest rooms were smaller than the heirs rooms but were all really big. The master bedroom was in a different wing to the heirs room to give the master of the house some privacy, so Sirius and Remus' room was pretty much no where near Rosalie's room. Rosalie placed the twins next to her rooms, they each had a room but Rosalie knew that they were too used to sharing a room and never being apart so she knew that they would only end up sleeping in one room, however she was planning to talk about that later with them. Percy however was placed further away, Rosalie's room was in the middle of the corridor, the twins the two rooms after that, Percy's room was at the end of the corridor, this was because right at the end of this corridor was a small library, when Percy noticed where his room was placed he wrapped his arms around Rosalie in an awkward hug and nearly sobbed in his joy. Rosalie just wrapped her arms around him and had a massive grin on her face. Draco also had a room in this part of the manor, in the room opposite Rosalie for when he and his parents stayed round. The Draco's parents room was on the same part of the manor as the master bedroom.

There was another library in one of the other parts of the manor that Rosalie was going to show them at a later date but before dinner which was coming soon. There was one more floor in the manor, however there was only one room, a library. When they got up the stairs Percy had stars in his eyes. They were darting everywhere trying to get in as much as possible, this was the biggest library he had ever laid eyes on. The library had gigantic book shelves filled completely with every book you could ever imagine. There was even dark arts and muggle books. Rosalie loved it in there and her and Remus had spent many hours in there before she went off to hogwarts. Rosalie, the twins and Draco had to drag Percy out of the room so Rosalie could show them the last room she wanted to show them.

The last room was on the bottom floor of the manor, it was technically the basement but it was now a potions room. It was split into two parts, one part was a storage room filled with every potions ingredient one could think of, it also had the knives needed and every cauldron of every type of metal and of every size. The other half was filled with tables. When the boys saw it they looked like they were about to cry, all four of them loved potions, Percy's love for it was less than Draco and the twins, for Fred and George potions were a big part of their experiments, and for Draco, as Severus was his godfather he got his love for it from him as they spent a lot of time making potions together and Severus tutored Draco when he was growing up. The potions room was very big compared to other people's which made Rosalie very proud, it was even bigger than the classrooms at hogwarts, which was saying something because they had to be big enough to fit a whole class into.

By the time Rosalie had finished showing them the potions room it was time for dinner so she lead them to the dining room. The house elves had gone all out for this meal, Loopy even got the others to help him with making it. They wanted to make the Weasleys feel welcome and as the Malfoys were also there they made a feast. It reminded them of the hogwarts feast at the beginning of the year except just a lot less food.

Even though the Malfoys were uncomfortable around the three Weasleys they had decided they weren't going to act any differently as the potter manor was like a second home to them with the amount of times they were there. Rosalie looked at all the food on the table and was immediately starving it all looked incredible. There was so much food chicken wings, lobster, sushi, chips and many more food that Rosalie was certain wasn't going to be eaten, the house elves had made way too much food. However she knew at least most of it would be gone as the Weasleys ate a lot and she knew Percy and the twins all had big appetites.

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