Chapter 21 - Dumbledore's talk

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All forty of the students followed Dumbledore, they stopped at the gargoyle and said the password "chocolate frogs". All the Slytherins and at least half of the Ravenclaws rolled their eyes at the stupid password, the Gryffindors (except Fred, George and Fay) and Hufflepuffs (except Susan, Hannah and Neville) thought the password showed off Dumbledore's fun side.

They walked in to Dumbledore's office, which was so cramped Rosalie was starting to feel claustrophobic. The office was exactly like Rosalie remembered, clustered with unneeded things that he never uses, all the paintings on the walls were awake looking interested in what was about to happen, especially Phineas Nigellus Black who stared at the students intently.

Dumbledore went to sit on one side of his desk and all forty of the students stood around it, he gave each of them a serious and said with a sigh "whoever has done this will have to come forward now and face punishment, I know this was just a joke but some of the students looked very upset about there new clothes."

No one came forward they all thought he was an idiot for thinking they would, however that was before Dumbledore said "if someone doesn't come forward now I will be forced to punish all of you". Fred, George and Rosalie lolled at each other from the corner of their eyes and stepped forward simultaneously. "We did it professor" they spoke as one. 

Everyone gave them surprised looks but Dumbledore just gave all three of them a disappointed look. "Everyone except misters Weasley and miss Potter, please leave", all the students immediately filed out of the cramped office. "Please have a seat you three" Dumbledore said after conjuring three hard back chairs. "I am very disappointed in all of you, especially you miss Potter you have just started here at Hogwarts and are already in trouble..." Dumbledore's speech was a lot longer with more scolding but the twins and Rosalie just tuned him out and started playing rock, paper, scissors under the desk so Dumbledore wouldn't see what they were doing.

After about an hour of them playing there game and Dumbledore droning on and on about their prank the three of them got bored and decided to start listening to their headmaster again, which was fortunate as he was just finishing his speech saying "I hope you understand that I will be contacting your guardians about this little stunt, and miss Potter I'm sure your aunt an..." "sir", Rosalie interrupted him "I no longer live with my aunt and uncle, I live with Sirius and Remus so there is no point sending them a letter as I will never see them again".

Dumbledore's eyes widened for about five seconds before his face went blank again "I see, well than Mr Black and Mr Lupin will be hearing about this and so will your parents misters Weasley and I'm sure all of them will be very disappointed."

Rosalie raised a disbelieving eyebrow and said mockingly "will that be al sir", anger flashed in Dumbledore's eyes briefly at her cheek and then he calmed. "No, you will all have detention for two months with professor Snape now, for misters Weasley that will be all, you however miss Potter I still need to talk to, it is very important" he said calmly.

The twins gave him odd looks while Rosalie glared at him harshly. Fred and George gave her concerned looks as they stood to leave, but Rosalie just waved them off telling them she'll be fine. Eventually they left the office.

"What could this possibly be about professor" Rosalie spat out giving him a cold look.

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