Chapter 26 - Third year explained

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"Okay so i'll start with the summer before my third year..." Rosalie started to explain about her aunt Marge and how horrible she was, saying that her dogs were just as horrible and that she spent most of her life being terrified of dogs because of it. She explained how her aunt Marge said horrible things about her parents and it made her literally blow up Marge, after she said this Fred and George howled with laughter for about 10 minutes, Rosalie just shook her head at them like she expected this from them, she told them how she packed up all her stuff and left the house, walking for a while until her legs started to ache, but when she stopped she saw a massive shadow in the bushes so she got out her wand to create a light but she fell over her trunk. The night bus came straight after that and she told them how she got on pretending to be Lavender Brown so no one would recognize her. Sirius Black was on the news paper that Stanley Shunpike was reading and she asked who he was, she explained that Stan looked quite shocked she didn't know who he was, but explained anyway. she said she went to the Leakey Cauldron and was met by the minister of magic Cornelius Fudge.

Rosalie told Voldemort and the twins about her time in  Diagon Alley and how much she enjoyed her time there. She explained about meeting Remus Lupin and him saving her and her friends from a Dementor that was searching for Sirius Black, and told them that he gave her chocolate after the attack. Rosalie quickly went through the beginning of her Hogwarts year and how she wasn't allowed at Hogsmeade so the twins gave her the Marauders Map, telling her they didn't need it anymore. The twins looked shocked that they would give away anything so incredible, but Rosalie said that it as probably because they didn't want her to miss out on Hogsmeade which they nodded in acceptance at. However Voldemort was confused as he didn't know why a map was so special. "The is incredible" Rosalie gushed, "its a map of Hogwarts and tells you where everyone is all the time it was created by the Marauders, which were Prongs, who was James Potter, Padfoot, who was Sirius Black, Moony who was Remus Lupin and Wormtail, who was Peter Pettigrew. The twins had hearts in there eyes, like this was the best news in the world. "Don't you live with Sirius Black and Remus Lupin" George said breathlessly, Rosalie looked amused "yes, why?" she questioned, "can we meet them" Fred breathed out. Rosalie giggled "i'll see what i can do" she answered. Voldemort coughed gently in his hand getting all three of there attention "i think we should carry on with the story" he said, Rosalie nodded and carried on.

She told them about her lessons with Remus after her Boggart turned into a Dementor, and about the most horrific Qudditch game she had ever played because of the Dementors and the memory it brought up, Voldemort looked uncomfortable about what she heard but Rosalie just carried on with the story. After she told them this Loopy popped in with the food she requested and as soon as she saw it her stomach rumbled. Her cheeks coloured in embarrassment, but they decided to take a break seeing as it was coming up to lunch anyway.After they finished eating Rosalie carried on with her story. She explained that she was worried over Hermione at the time as she didn't look like she had been sleeping much, and about her Divination lessons and how much a fraud Trelawney was. She explained that Hagrid became Care of Magical Creatures professor and how Buckbeak the Hippogriff attacked Draco and he was going to get executed. She said that her, Ron and Hermione decided to help out and watched the execution from far away, she said how awful it was and that Hermione punched Draco for mocking them. Voldemort frowned "i thought you and Draco were cousins" he said confused, Rosalie smiled gently and said "we are cousins, but we didn't know this at the time" she answered him. 

Rosalie carried on by talking about the walk back to the school, and how Ron was attacked by a big black dog, and being the courageous little Gryffindors  they were they went after him under the Whomping Willow even though they should've been terrified after what happened to her precious Nimbus 2000, but she did get a Firebolt so it was fine. Rosalie said that when they got there they came face to face with a scruffy and dirty looking Sirius Black, who she attacked before he could explain himself, soon after Remus came in saying he knew they were there because of the map that he confiscated off of Rosalie, which the twins wailed angrily at. After explaining the whole story to her Rosalie finally calmed down before Snape barged in and ruined everything before all three students disarmed Snape and then tied him up. Sirius explained that Scabbers, Ron's rat was actually Pettigrew, Rosalie explained that when they were starting to leave Sirius offered her a home which she accepted without much thought just happy to be going away from the Dursleys. When they got outside they realized it was a full moon and because Remus was a werewolf and din't take any wolfs-bane he would go crazy.

She told them about Remus' attack and then the Dementors attack against Sirius and how an unknown figure saved them and how Pettigrew escaped. She told them about how they ended up in the hospital wing and Dumbledore told them to go back in time using Hermione's time turner which she used to get to all her lessons. They stated the day again and saved Buckbeak from execution and Sirius from getting the Dementors kiss, and after that Sirius flew off on Buckbeak promising to write to Rosalie. By the time Rosalie was finished talking about her third year it was almost time for dinner and they all decided they would carry on the story the next Saturday at the same time and place. 

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