Chapter 59 - The Boss

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Important: (trigger warning) This chapter has some homophobic comments in it, so if that upsets you and you do not wish to read it I have put warnings on the paragraphs that have the comments in it. I would just like to say that I in no way support these homophobic views and am in fact bisexual myself, sorry in advance, please enjoy. 

Time seemed to go by in a flash, one minute they relaxing and enjoying some time away from everyone else, and the next half an hour had gone by and it was time to meet Charlies boss for lunch. Fred and George groaned in annoyance at the thought of bein near their family again and everyone else chuckled at their reaction. Slowly they dragged themselves off the sofa and miserably stepped out of the cottage door, followed by the others who were still laughing at them.

Outside waiting for them was the Malfoy family, who had stayed in their own cottage to spend some quality time together, just the three of them.

Standing awkwardly next to the Malfoys was the rest of the Weasley family. Although Molly didn't really look like she felt awkward, she looked more like she was going to start ripping peoples heads of. The relief on everyone's faces when Sirius, who was the last to leave, walked out the door was evident as soon as you looked at them.

As soon as everyone was out Charlie started moving, not wanting to be still for one moment longer, if they were another argument would break out, and Charlie didn't think he could handle that. The first one was bad enough:

The Malfoys were the first ones out, all they were doing was talking and laughing with each other but as soon as the Weasleys stepped out and Molly saw them she immediately began screaming at them about how disgusting they were and that they didn't deserve to live. Reacting without thinking Narcissa yanked Draco behind her and drew out her wand in case things got physical, however this did not go over well with Molly and before any of her family could stop her she had already drawn her wand and had fired off a stinging hex at them. It was due to Lucius' quick reflexes that allowed him to put up a shield in time that saved them from any pain.

Arthur had immediately taken Molly's wand by using the disarming spell as soon as her spell left her lips, which she did not appreciate. However Arthur wasn't taking it and told her to be silent as she was in the wrong and that if she said one more word he would silence her using magic as Remus had. Having never seen that expression on his face Molly immediately shut up, glaring at everyone around her, knowing that Arthur would do as he said.

Now that Molly was finally silent Arthur turned to Lucius and bowed deeply. "I am very sorry Lord Malfoy, I do not know what has gotten into my wife. However I can assure you nothing like this will ever happen again" Arthur said fearfully. If word got around about this his family would be destroyed completely.

Lucius sighed in annoyance but nodded to Arthur, "It is fine Lord Weasley, as long as this does not happen again we will just forget about this" he answered. Lucius could feel the surprise that his wife and son had on their faces and his eye twitched annoyed. Although he could understand their surprise, Lucius very rarely let anyone get away with something small, which attacking his family was not, and especially if that someone was a Weasley. However he was on holiday and he just wanted to spend some time with his family before his son had to go back to school and he wouldn't see him for 6 months. So as long as it never happened again he would forget about it.

Arthur and Charlie sighed in relief at his words, they were surprised but beyond grateful, "thank you Lord Malfoy we are in your debt" Arthur said sincerely. Charlie had never been so humiliated by his mother before, not even when he was in school. This was the second time today and it had only been a couple of hours. If this carried none of them were going to be allowed back in England, Charlie really hoped his father could get his mother in line. Although he wasn't holding his breath as he had never been able to before.

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