Chapter 18 - The Terror Twins

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"Well, well, well it's " Fred started, "ickle Potter" George finished. Rosalie stared at them amused, she always enjoyed hanging out with the twins. They weren't like most of there family and she hoped to become friends with them in this life as well.

"What are you" "little snake" "doing out here" "all by yourself" they said in there twin speech. Rosalie smirked "misters Weasley's a pleasure to see you, however what I am doing here is not any of your business", Fred and George grinned at her like there greatest wish has just been answered.

"Ah miss Potter" "but we want" "to know all" "your secrets". Rosalie giggled "but alas misters Weasley's I am merely walking back to my dorm from astronomy, what are you doing out here at this time of night?" "That is a secret miss potter" they said together grinning. "Are you perhaps planning a prank" she chirped happily. Rosalie burst out laughing at there surprised faces, she rolled her eyes "come on your the pranking kings everybody knows about you" she said exasperated. They smirked at her "why thank you miss Potter, how kind of you" they said whilst doing an exaggerated bow.

Rosalie giggled again. "So miss Potter" "how about you" "join us in" "are pranking", the twins said. Rosalie grinned "I would be honored to prank with you kind sirs" she said curtsying. The twins grinned "this way fair lady" they said together.

Rosalie followed them quickly, she was very happy that she could still be friends with the twins. She knew that they would never betray her, even in her last life she knew that unlike Ron, Ginny and the Weasley matriarch that the rest of the family were loyal to her. Well she couldn't really say the same for Bill and Charlie because she never knew them as well as the others.

While Rosalie was thinking her and the twins arrived at the room they were planning the prank in. It was in the dungeons, an old dusty classroom that hadn't been used in years. There was a desk that was cleaner then the rest of them though, which obviously the twins had cleaned so there planning wouldn't get all dusty, and on that desk were stacks of papers which were blank, that were probably there to write  prank ideas on.

The twins looked at Rosalie and grinned, saying together "let's do this!"

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