Chapter 3 - the meeting

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As Rosalie walked she noticed odd paintings on the wall. They looked like battles, thornspike must have seen her curious gaze because he suddenly spoke "they are of the goblin wars so we never forget". "Oh, that's great, I guess" she said slowly.

After awhile if walking they stopped in front of a large oak door, carving we're etched in the wood, symbols that looked like that were from hermione's ancient runes text book. Rosalie scowled as she remembered hermione and her betrayal. Entering the room slowly after the goblin she looked around nervously. "Please have a seat miss Potter" he growled. Rosalie immediately sat, not going to argue as the goblin kinda have her the creeps. "Okay miss Potter firstly why haven't you been answering the notices Gringotts has been sending you" he snapped at her harshly. Rosalie just sat there numbly. "What are you talking? What notices" she asked panicked, she never got notices in her other life either or at least she never thought she did. She was so confused what were they about? "So you haven't been getting them" he grunted thoughtfully. Suddenly he sighed " miss Potter the notices were about the money that Albus Dumbledore has been taking from your account, we wanted to know if he had your consent" "that pricks been stealing from me" she shrieked in shock. Thornspike grinned evilly " is that right well we can get all your money back with interest if you wish" "can you tell me who the money was being given to please?" "of course let's see, yes here it is they have been going to 6 different accounts they are mrs Molly Weasley, mr Ron Weasley, Miss Ginny Weasley, the Dursley family, miss Hermione Granger and mr Albus Dumbledore".

Rosalie sat there silently fuming, how dare that steal her money. However she listened to the goblin when he spoke next "there have also been very valuable items and books that have been taken as well, we assumed you gave permission". Her magic was getting out of control, it swirled around them like a tornado, destroying everything in its path. By the time Rosalie calmed down the other chairs around her were smashed to pieces, the weapons that had aligned the wall scattered across the floor and the beautiful design on the walls had been shredded. The only things still intact was the seats that her and thornspike we're sitting on and the desk in front of the goblin as well as the many things sat on the desk. Thornspike stared with wide eyes gaping slightly. "Oh I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to, it was an accident..." Thornspike cut her off her rambling with a raise of his hand. "It is quite alright miss Potter, I assume that you would indeed like to have your money back with interest?" He asked 

"yes that would be lovely, thank you" she grinned so maliciously that it made thornspike a little uneasy. "That will be done, now miss Potter is there anything else you would like me to do?" he asked. "Yes, if you don't mind I would like to have an inheritance test done?" "Yes of course miss Potter, however that will cost two galleons" "could you take it out of my vault please" she asked unsurely. "Yes that would be fine miss Potter" Thornspike murmured distractedly as he went through some draws around the room to gather the necessary items for  her inheritance test. After about a minute he came
Back with a small bowl, a dagger and a piece of parchment. He placed the parchment on a mat with the dagger and the bowl. "Ok miss Potter if you please place exactly three drops of your blood in the bowl and we will go from there" he said. After doing as he said Rosalie watched as Thornspike poured the bowls contents on the pice of parchment and spoke a few words in gobbledegook and waited patiently as the parchment glowed a soft golden colour. When the glow faded it read:

Full name: Rosalie Lily Potter
Father: James Charlus Potter
Mother: Carina Cassiopeia Potter nee Black / Lily Marie Potter nee Evans
Godfather: Sirius Orion Black
Godmother: Alice Katie Longbottom  nee Bell
Status: pureblood

Lord/Lady of house(s):
Potter (paternal)
Gryffindor (paternal)
Peverell (paternal)
Hufflepuff (paternal)

Heir/Heiress of house(s):
Black (godfather)
Slytherin (through conquest)

House(s) in:
Ravenclaw (maternal)
Rosier (maternal)

Rosalie sat there gaping at the piece of parchment. She couldn't believe it, she was a pureblood she spent her life thinking she was a half blood that it came as a huge shock to her. She was extremely happy with this, but she couldn't think over it for long as she needed Thornspike's help with something else. "I'm sir" she said rather suddenly. He looked up at her expectantly. "Do you know if there is a way to check  if I have any blocks or spells that I do not know about in me" "yes there is a way to check, however it will cost another two galleons" he answered. "Yes that's fine" she said. "Okay if you do exactly what you did last time please". After putting another three drops in a different bowl she watched as Thornspike poured it on the parchment and said another set if words in gobbledegook. After a while it glowed again but this time it was a right silver. On the parchment it read:

Magic (50%) by Albus Dumbledore
Parseltounge (50%) by Albus Dumbledore
Parselmagic (100%) by Albus Dumbledore
Metamorphmagus (100%) by Albus Dumbledore 
Potions ability (75%) by Albus Dumbledore
Eidetic memory (75%) by Albus Dumbledore
Horcrux by Tom Marvalo Riddle/ Voldemort

Compulsion spell to befriend Hermione Granger cast by Albus Dumbledore
Compulsion spell to befriend Ron Weasley cast by Albus Dumbledore
Compulsion spell to befriend Ginny Weasley cast by Albus Dumbledore
Compulsion spell to obey Albus Dumbledore cast by Albus Dumbledore
Compulsion spell to love Gryffindors cast by Albus Dumbledore
Compulsion spell to hate slytherin's cast by Albus Dumbledore

Rosalie gritted her teeth to try and reign in her anger. "Is there a way to get rid of all of the blocks and if it costs any money pay for it out of my account" "yes follow me miss Potter", they went in to a room that kind of reminded her of the infirmary. "This is our best goblin healer, she will take off the blocks and spells". "Please lay on the bed" the healer goblin said in a gruff feminine voice. Rosalie did straight away. About two hours later the healer goblin announced she was done however saying she was to come back in two days. At 7:00an to remove the horcrux as it could not be removed at that moment. Feeling happier and lighter Rosalie left the infirmary. She walked in to Thornspike's office again and sat back down. The goblin looked up and said "is there anything else you need miss Potter" "can I see any properties that I own please and do you know any way that I can get an innocent man out of Azkaban and is there something that I can use to get all the money i need without having to come back here all the time". She asked in one breath. "Yes I can show you and if you believe he is innocent we will try to help and yes there is a bottomless money bag that is connected to one account that you can use" the goblin answered in one breath as well. "What is the name of the person you believe is innocent" "Sirius Black sir", Thornspike hummed thoughtfully "I will see what I can do, now properties. If you take this potion it will come up on this parchment" he said as he passed her a sickly green coloured potion. Swallowing it in one go she grimaced at the taste of it. She watched as more words we're read on another piece of pear chimney, it read:

Properties owned:
Potter Manor (unplottable) in Ireland
Potter Castle (umplottable) in Wales
Potter Island (unplottable)
Gryffindor Castle (unplottable) in Italy
Hufflepuff Manor (unplottable) in Greece
Peverell Palace (unplottable) in France

Rosalie looked thoughtfully at the piece of parchment and quickly decided. "Do you have a way I can go to Potter Manor to live" she asked, "yes you can use a portkey to get there, I will go with you set your wards for you". "Thank you, but can I have two permanent portkey's to Potter Manor and to diagon alley please" "of course that is two galleons for each portkey, shall I take it out of your account" "yes please"

Thornspike nodded "I will make your portkey's and get your bottomless money bag" he said. He walked out quickly and two minutes later he came back and handed the bag to her. "The password to the one to Potter Manor is pride and the password for the one to diagon alley is founders, now please touch this one and we will go". He said holding up a candle stick whilst handing her the other portkey which was a handbag. After the goblin said the password they were whisked away from Gringotts.

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