Whispered Faith Timeline (2013 - 2014)

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[C/N: I thought I would start this off by reminding everyone that timezones are a thing and as to save myself the headache, I am using my local time. Maybe in the future, I will add their local time but, as of now, I will continue to use my local time. I thought I would bring this up again as I don't bring it up much because I don't want to cause confusion]

BOLD - Videos titles

ITALIC - tweets

BOLD AND ITALIC - If any of the tweets have video links and other stuff in them

C/N = Creators note(s)

◾ 8th January

7:42 PM - I apologize for my absence. Some very fucked up shit happened on Thursday night. I've been running the past few days. 

7:46 PM - I'm currently hauled up in a shitty motel with no wifi. I'll upload the footage from Thursday either tonight or tomorrow morning

◾ 9th January

5:39 AM - Home Invasion is uploaded and a tweet is sent out

◾ 16th January

9:17 PM - I'll be making an update video tonight to fill you all in on what's been happening.

◾ 17th January

6:41 PM - Update is uploaded but a tweet is never sent out

◾ 23th January

4:56 PM - Pennsylvania has been treating me pretty good so far

◾ 29th January

11:34 AM - Starting to feel uneasy again after last night's phone call

◾ 1st February 

11:21 PM - Sean is gone...The knife is gone..I guess they got what they came for...I'm leaving. I'll upload the footage from PA as soon as I'm safe.

◾ 5th February

4:47 AM - Pennsylvania Trip: Part 1 is uploaded but a tweet is never sent out

4:57 AM - Pennsylvania Trip: Part 2 is uploaded but a tweet is never sent out

◾ 15th February

4:14 PM - I'm tired of running. Heading home.

◾ 24th February 

3:23 AM - Home is uploaded but a tweet is never sent out

◾ 19th March

1:44 AM - Kaitlyn is uploaded but a tweet is never sent out

◾ 23rd March

3:39 PM - We've been looking through the book we found in Kaitlyn's shed. It reads like a diary of sorts.

3:40 PM - I'm assuming the "Linnie" who it belonged to is the same one addressed in the note that I found in the box. It's not exactly a common name.

3:41 PM - I'll be posting pictures later tonight

◾ 24th March

12:32 AM - The name in the book and the name on the note.

12:34 AM - Several of the pages from the box match with ripped out pages in the diary.

12:57 AM - One of the first entries.

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