Whispered Faith Timeline (2012 - 2013)

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[C/N: Thank you all for your support on my Tribe Twelve timeline! While it will still be updated, as it is an ongoing series, I will also be making the Whispered Faith timeline. Before we start, I want to apologize in advance as some of the tweets have little to no information. I know it was inconvenient and annoying in the past and, it's still frustrating now. I did my best to guess what they roughly said, but I can't get the original tweets. I'm sorry again but, I still hope you enjoy.]

BOLD - Videos titles

ITALIC - tweets

BOLD AND ITALIC - If any of the tweets have video links and other stuff in them

C/N = Creators note(s)

◾ 20th September

5:57 PM - Video Diary #1 is uploaded but a tweet is never sent out

◾ 26th September

2:49 AM - Oh I can't wait to upload the footage of the bullshit that went down a few hours ago.

2:49 AM - Thank you for nothing at all, asshole.

◾ 27th September

12:38 PM - Video Diary #2 is uploaded but a tweet is never sent out

◾ 28th September

4:05 PM - Always the same dream. I'm in my bed, but I can't move a muscle....and I just feel something watching me.

4:06 PM - I never see it, or hear it, or anything. But I just know it's there. Watching me, waiting for something.

4:09 PM - I'm too sleep deprived at this point. #4hoursofsleep

◾ 4th October

5:42 PM - Things just keep getting more fucked up. I'll be uploading Video Diary #3 tonight with footage from the other day

5:44 PM - Mo agreed to stay in the guest room of my house until this shit dies down. I really just don't feel comfortable staying here alone anymore.

 21:59 PM - Video Diary #3 is uploaded and a tweet is sent out

◾ 10th October

10:42 PM - Spent the rest of last night sleeping in my car

◾ 11th October

1:08 AM - Mo and I searched the house thoroughly this morning, but there weren't any signs of the thing anywhere.

3:56 AM - Video Diary #4 will be uploaded tomorrow

7:43 PM - Video Diary #4 will be up in a few hours.

◾ 12th October

2:07 AM - Video Diary #4  is uploaded and a tweet is sent out

◾ 19th October

3:33 AM - Heading back from the hospital now. Lee's alright. I'll upload Video Diary #5 when I get home, and I'll explain more in the morning. -Mo

??:?? ?M- (C/N: damn, haven't seen "??:??" in awhile)Twitter user @Unrabbitable replies to the tweet but it is unknown what they said as the tweet was deleted, most likely they were offering words of support and asking Lee what he's going to do next.

06:05 AM - Video Diary #5 is uploaded and a tweet is sent out

??:?? ?M- (C/N: Back already? my old friend) Twitter user @weare2mariners replies to the tweet but it is unknown what the original tweet said as the tweet was deleted but, it can be assumed it was asking about the bloody scars on Lee's arm.

Slenderverse ArchivesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora