Timeline 2012

42 0 0


20: Video Jim Thorpe posted

24: Video Jessie posted


16: Video Intermission posted

22: Video Consensus posted


2: In a minor crossover with "Seeking Truth" a video Left Behind.m4v is posted on YouTube that seems to show the last moments of Zeke Strahm, star of that series. In one part of it, he has a message for the boys warning them about Evan (specifically, his suspected possession by HABIT) and Steph (specifically, what she's not saying referring to her backstory).

20: On the two year anniversary of the first video, a new video Twenty-four months, is released.

31: Video Dead end with a Pulse is posted.


9: 11:45 am EST Vince tweets "I held out as long as I could. Haven't heard from the boys. I'm done sitting around. Going to Evan's soon. [V]"

11:48 am EST A twitter user named VastLexicon asks "have you not seen the video. Jeff went to evan's and well.........." Vince replies "What are you on about, man? I'm worried too but we can't assume they're dead. I'll be fine -hopefully- and send you updates [V]"

12:14 pm EST n reply to a Twitter user named Dedlok Vince tweets "You guys are the cryptic oracle to my tired adventurer. I need to find out what happened after Jeff left my place. [V]"

1:00 pm EST in reply to twitter users suggesting he take a weapon Vince replies " I know I can be aggravatingly stubborn. Thanks for the tip, I'll have something to even the odds if I need to. [V]"

10: Video Not dead yet posted.


9: 8:34 pm EST HABIT tweets "DON'T TELL VINNY." from the main EMH account. Accompanied by The Green Feathers Photo

11:  At 5:00 pm EST The Box 6 video by TheGreenFeathers is posted.

9:12 pm EST TheGreenFeathers tweets "I recieved an e-mail containing coordinates earlier this week. I found something I think may be important." with a link to the Box 6 video. The EMH account promptly rewteets it.

12: 10:27 am EST TheGreenFeathers tweets "Having some family over; I'll upload the contents of what I've found ASAP, today."

 At 2:00 pm EST Green Feathers posts scans of the knife, the ink ribbon and the Corenthal Journal Dated 11-12-1990.

5:07 pm EST GreenFeathers tweets "Finished. The ink-ribbon transcript is now viewable in the comments section of its photobucket image."

26: 9:52 am EST HABIT tweets "EXTRA INNINGS."

9:57 am EST The remaining Rabbits receive an email requesting their physical mailing address: "RESPOND WITH A PROPERLY FORMATTED MAILING ADDRESS. YOUR COOPERATION IS APPRECIATED. I PRAY THE YEAR REMAINS KIND."


2: Rabbit #228 reveals that he has received an email from HABIT requesting a phone number.

4: The remaining Rabbits begin receiving their Extra Innings Prizes

21: Rabbit #228 reports receiving the same mailed package as the other Rabbits, completing the Ink Ribbon.


29: Video "The property" is posted, Lady of the Light.pdf was attached in the YouTube description of the video.


9: 5:44 am EST Tweeting announcing that the video "MOVING IN" has been posted.

9:29 pm EST Tweeting announcing that the video "(Colon) D" has been posted.

31: 8:05 pm EST Vince tweets "Jeff's gone, Evan's beyond help, and I don't know where Steph is. Probably my last Halloween. [V]"


25: 12:54 am EST Video Next released

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