Jay Merrick

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[C/N: 15/06/2020 - THIS PAGE HAS BEEN EDITED =

 "Appearances in Series" has been removed as it was unnecessary 

◾ The grammar has been cleaned up]


Jay Merrick was the main protagonist of the MarbleHornets ARG and was the central point of view in MH for the majority of the series until he was fatally wounded via gunshot by Alex during Entry #80. Although he was teleported away by the Operator after being shot, his fate wasn't revealed until his body was discovered by Tim in Entry #83, confirming his death.


J (revealed on his twitter to be short for Jay) is the owner of the MarbleHornets YouTube account, and the uploader of The Entries. He can be contacted through his Youtube account and his Twitter account. Jay was a college friend of Alex Kralie's. He assisted Alex in doing production work on Alex's film, Marble Hornets, with location scouting and the like. When he head that Alex had dropped the Marble Hornets project, he asked Alex what he planned to do with the tapes. Alex replied, "burn them."

Hating to see such work go to waste, Jay coerced Alex into giving him the tapes. Alex handed them over after giving the condition that Jay was never to mention them to Alex again. The tapes went to Jay's closet and were subsequently forgotten, to be found three years later. Now curious as to what he would find that drove Alex crazy and caused him to cancel his project, Jay has begun systematically working through watching them all. Anything he finds of interest he is uploading to YouTube as The Entries.

Originally brought in as the main cameraman for Marble Hornets, he began to catalogue the strange occurrences, notably Alex and his mental breakdown. After watching the tapes that showed the odd events, Jay continued searching for answers, leading to several sights and encounters with an individual known as The Operator and various people caught in its existence.  During Entry #83 Tim's search for Jay finally comes to an end as he encounters Jay, now dead with a bullet wound as he was teleported to various locations. His body was surrounded by pieces of paper with the Operator symbol on them, and a note that read "YOUR FAULT". Assuming Hoodie was responsible, Tim goes after him to get revenge for Jay's murder.


Jay was a very determined individual who seemed to give out a great deal of effort into figuring out what was going on, with repeated ventures into areas he had seen The Operator in before, alone. Like Alex, he videotaped himself constantly, although this was more to keep his thoughts intact as well as keep a record of his accounts due to many different lapses of memory. He did show coughing fits, lapses in time, amnesia, and many odd symptoms assumed to be prolonged exposure to The Operator.

Health Concerns

Jay had taken repeated ventures into areas he had seen The Operator in before, alone. Like Alex, he has chosen to videotaped himself constantly, although this was more to keep his thoughts intact as well as keep a record of his accounts due to many different lapses of memory.

According to his Twitter account, Jay's health has been declining since he started reviewing the Marble Hornets tapes. He seems to be suffering from a variety of symptoms:

◾ Finding it harder to sleep lately.

◾ Very sick. 104 fever. Need to sleep instead of looking through the tapes.

◾ Been sick for the past week.

◾ Headache. Need to lay down for a while.

◾ Blacked out last night. Going to the doctor tomorrow.

During a string of Twitter updates on March 22, 2011, after Jay found something that troubled him greatly and attempted (unsuccessfully) to log into his YouTube account, he again brought up signs of his deteriorating health.

◾ I have the worst hheadache right now..

◾ Keep thnking I'm hearing things.

◾ .hea'ds poudning.

◾ sllee pno.w

The cause of Jay's declining health is unknown, although it has been speculated that it is tied to the presence of the Operator. Whenever someone seems to be around it they seem to start having coughing fits.

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