Tribe Twelve Timeline Part 3 (2012-2013)

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((C/N: Before we begin I want to let you know that I decided to try something new. Basically I hate not being able to get chapters out quicker to you but because I have to keep going on different social media's (Twitter, Youtube etc) to get the information I need to make these and even when I have finished it I have to run through it to make sure I got all the dates right as well as making sure I didn't miss anything. So I decided to publish them even when I'm not done and I'll continue to work on it and when I make significant progress i'll update it this will allow you to get the timeline sooner whether it's done or not and it will allow me to get these out to you all quicker. I hope you're all happy with this idea and that I can get these out to you much quicker. Anyway enjoy the next part of the Tribe Twelve Timeline))

((EDIT 27/08: Pictures have been added))

BOLD - Videos titles

ITALIC - tweets

BOLD AND ITALIC - If any of the tweets have video links and other stuff in them

C/N = Creators note(s)

All pictures will be at the end of the chapter

◾5th January

11:29 AM - I'm going to recover this fucking footage no matter how long it takes. I've got most of it captured on my hard drive, about 80% so far.

◾10th January

7:21 PM - Ok, I got most of the latter footage captured clearly. The previous video from my house is too distorted. I'll try to get that posted later.

◾13th January

9:22 AM - I'll be posting the footage that I managed to recover so far from the November fiasco tonight at 9pm, my time. It was a bitch to recover.

4:03 PM - This video is also a bitch to render. It might be because it's a very large file and my laptop is becoming elderly and just can't handle it.  

 4:05 PM -  Every time I render the video, there's an error. I'm trying again with different settings and just posting it whenever it's done tonight.

9:36 PM - November 11th is uploaded and tweeted with an additional message saying "It's not in 720p yet or have a thumbnail, but It'll probably change overnight or something. Damn YouTube." 

◾ 25th January

11:22 PM - Trying real hard to recover this footage. It contains what happened that made me leave my house. I can only remember that Mary called me.  

◾ 9th February

11:44 PM - To prevent this upcoming Valentines Day from being any more depressing for me, I've decided to have a live stream on the 14th.

◾ 13th February

9:19 PM - The livestream is going to happen today, Valentines Day, at 10:00pm Florida time on Stickam. I'll be your Valentine.

◾ 14th February

7:01 PM - The livestream is starting right now on Stickam. Come and keep me company on the loneliness of corporate holidays. (C/N: The livestream was later uploaded to youtube under the title 'Livestream: Valentine's Day 2012')

7:27 PM - theywerenotonlydreamsnoah☉

7:30 PM - What the fuck do you want?

7:32 PM - iwanttobeyourvalentinenoahhahaha☉

7:33 PM - Where are you?

7:35 PM - everywhereatonce☉

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