The Locket Returns

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The royal family lands in the courtyard.

"Your Majesties, thank goodness you're safe," Baileywick comes running out of the castle.

"Thanks to Sofia and Clio," King Roland says as they go inside.

"It's what I do," Sofia says.

There is a knock on the door.

"Baileywick, will you go see who is at the door?" the queen asks.

"Of course," Baileywick says walking out of the room.

"Do you think that was what Cinderella and her sister meant, when they said that we need to show kindness?" Amber asks as the princesses go into the foyer.

"I don't know, I've learned that even though the princesses help us they do make you think," Sofia says.

"Princesses, Princess Hildegard is here for you," Baileywick comes into the foyer.

"Thanks Baileywick," Amber says.

The three princesses walk into the front where Hildegard is waiting.

"Hildegard, what a surprise," Sofia says.

"Hello, may we go to your room Sofia?" Hildegard asks.

"Sure," Sofia agrees.

Amber and Clio walk next to Sofia, who is walking in front of Hildegard.

"This is weird," Amber whispers so only the three of them can hear.

"I know what you mean, Hildegard never leaves Freezenberg unless needed or wanted," Clio agrees.

"No matter what we have to keep everything secret, we can't have curses and we certainly can't lose our Enchantlets. They are the only way that we can contact other protectors."

"Right," Clio agrees.

"And Amber," Sofia starts.

"I know Sofia, the only way to keep the Ever Realm safe is not to tell anyone who doesn't need to know. And even though Hildegard will try to get me to tell her everything, I won't."

"Good, especially because nobody can have both amulets at the same time. If someone has both amulets they could bring Vor back."

"I promise Sofia, that won't happen," Amber says.

"Thank you Amber," Sofia says as they walk into her room.

Clover wakes up from his nap and hops over to the princesses.

"Sof, is everything okay?"

"I hope so," Sofia says picking him up and sitting on her bed.

"Are you talking to your bunny?" Hildegard asks.

"I have had him so long I can tell his facial expressions," Sofia lies so she doesn't know the real reason.

"So, what brings you by?" Amber asks.

"I wanted to show you my new locket," Hildegard says dangling the necklace in front of them.

"It's very beautiful," Clio says.

"A woman in Freezenberg sent it to me as a gift for being a great person," Hildegard says.

Sofia looks at the necklace, feeling that she has seen it before; Sofia's face turns white when she realizes what it actually is.

"Sofia, are you okay?" Amber asks when she sees her sister's pale face.

"I'm fine, I just need some air," Sofia says.

"Okay," Amber says playing along.

Clover follows Sofia who rushes into Amber's room so she can be alone.

"Sof, are you okay?" Clover asks as she closes the door.

"The locket, it's the Locket of Vor."

"You mean that mean lady we had to fight on your graduation day."

"Yes, oh what do I do?" Sofia whimpers.

Sofia's amulet glows.

"Sofia, your amulet it's you know, glowing," Clover says.

Sofia looks up and from her blurry eyes she sees Mulan.

"Mulan," Sofia gasps.

"Hello Sofia, what's going on?" Mulan bends down.

"A evil sorceress is trying to take over my realm again, I don't know what to do," Sofia explains.

"Sofia, you don't have to do this alone, I wouldn't have been able to save the Emperor without my friends."

"So I'm not alone?"

"You are never alone if the people with you have the same goal," Mulan says before disappearing.

"What does that mean?" Clover asks.

"I don't know," Sofia responds.

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