The Secret of the Amulets

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Sofia lands on Protectors Isle.

"Hi everyone," Sofia says as she walks into the castle.

"Thank you for coming Sofia, we apologize for taking you away from Clio's party," Orion says.

"It's okay, she understands that protecting comes first."

"Sofia, there is another amulet like your's, in the wrong hands the two amulets can bring devastation," Vega says as the crystal ball shows an amulet like the one Clio had on.

"We need you to find whoever has the other amulet," Orion says.

Right," Sofia says.

"One last thing, the amulets choose their owner. They choose the people who are most pure of heart, but even the pure of heart can make mistakes. We trust you to decide whether or not the holder can be trusted with the powers that come with the amulet, but above all nobody should have both amulets at the same time," Vega says.

"I understand," Sofia nods before leaving the castle.

"What do you think makes the amulets so special?" Skye asks as Sofia mounts him.

"When I was given my amulet our royal sorcerer told me about it. There is a prophecy that goes 'with each deed performed for better or worse a power is granted a blessing or curse'."

"What does that mean?" Skye asks.

"Do something good you get a power, I helped a baby bird and my amulet gave me the power to talk to animals, but do something bad then a curse will be brought upon you, I was chosen to sing the Enchancian Anthem, I was so excited and acted so arrogant that I ended up croaking anytime I talked."

"Look Princess, Corinthia," Skye says.

"Fly stealthily and out of sight, we don't want anyone to see you," Sofia says.

"Yes Princess," Skye says.

"Go land by the stables," Sofia says as she points to the flying horses.

"Here you go Princess, tell Clio happy birthday for me," Skye says as he lands by the stables.

"I will, thanks so much Skye," Sofia says getting off him and giving him a quick pet.

Sofia watches as Skye stealthily flies back to the Mystic Isles.

Sofia walks back to the party.

"Sofia, you're back!" Amber says running up to her sister.

"Anything happen while I was away?" Sofia asks.

"Clio helped a baby bird and now has the power to talk to animals like you."

"Speaking of Clio, where is she?"

"She is in shock so I convinced Queen Odelle to let Clio stay in her room and I help host the party. But you better go see her."

"Okay," Sofia says as she runs back into the castle and to Clio's room.


"Sofia, something weird just happened. All I did was help a baby bird and now I'm hearing all these animals talk. I'm really scared," Clio says rushing up to her.

"There is nothing to be scared about, your amulet is like mine, you just got your first blessing."

"How is being able to talk to animals a blessing?"

"Well, now you can talk to Apollo and sometimes he might be able to help guide you. That's what Clover does for me. He helped me a lot when I first started at Royal Prep. But understand that everything that has to do with being a Protector or our amulets has to stay between us and Amber."

"Sofia is right Clio," Apollo says putting his paw on the princess' knee, "Hildegard will definitely want your amulet if she finds out that it gave you the power to talk to animals."

"Not only that but I just came back from the Mystic Isles and Vega told me that if the amulets fall into the wrong hands bad things will happen, so promise me that you will never take it off," Sofia says to her friend.

"I promise," Clio hugs Sofia.

"Can we go back to your party now?" Sofia asks as she walks back after the hug.


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