Words of Wisdom

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Amber and Clio walk into Sofia's room.

"Clio, is everything okay?" Clover asks waking up from his nap.

"I don't know, I have to do something behind Sofia's back but I don't want to lie to her, she is my mentor, my hero, and my best friend," Clio says.

"Sometimes the hardest things to do are always the right thing," Clover says.

"But what if she doesn't speak to me again? Hildegard lost my friendship a long time ago, I don't think I can lose Sofia," Clio says.

Clio's amulet glows.

"My amulet is glowing," Clio says.

"Hello Clio," a voice says.

"Pocahontas," Clio says.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help Clio, what exactly is going on?"

"I have a hard decision to make and the consequences might make me lose a friend," Clio says.

"That is a tough one, when my tribe was fighting with another village I got some advice from a wise friend."

"What was the advice?" Amber asks.

"Sometimes the right path isn't the easiest one."

"I understand, thank you Pocahontas," Clio says before the princess disappears.

"I don't understand what she meant," Amber says.

"It is going to be hard to go behind Sofia's back but it's the right thing to do," Clio explains.

"Good luck Clio, Sofia will definitely understand, she risked her amulet being damaged once to stop Vor. I know she will understand this time."

"Thanks Amber," Clio hugs her friend.

"Remember, I'm just a call away," Amber takes out her mirror communicator.

Clio walks over to Sofia's window and calls Midnight.

"Are you ready Princess?"

"Yes, let's go," Clio says.

"Misty Palisades, here we come," Midnight flies away from the castle.

Clio is quiet the whole flight.

"You okay Princess?" Midnight asks as they arrive at the Misty Palisades.

"It's just that doing this without Sofia feels weird, I wish she was here so we could do it together," Clio says getting off Midnight.

Clio's amulet glows.

"Wait, what? Where am I?" a female voice comes from behind her.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Anna from Arendelle."

"Are you friends with Olaf?" Clio asks.

"I'm very good friends with Olaf," Anna smiles.

"Are you here to help me?"

"I don't know, but if you tell me what is going on I might figure out why I'm here."

Clio explains what is going on to Anna.

"I see how doing something this big can be scary without your friend. I had to do something alone on my own too."


"My sister, Elsa, has magical powers, she can turn anything into ice or create something with her hands. Once we had to go deep into an enchanted forest and find out why our kingdom was falling apart. But in order to succeed we had to work together but separately."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Elsa went to a lake that was said to show the past, before she was trapped she sent an ice sculpture of what made the spirits so mad. Our grandfather had built a wall to give him power over other people, I had to do the next right thing to save my kingdom."

"What was the right thing?"

"I had to destroy the wall."

"When you destroyed the wall did Elsa get mad?"

"No, she actually was glad I destroy it. Sometimes something has to be destroyed to save something else."

"I understand, thank you Anna," Clio says.

"Good luck Clio," Anna says before disappearing.

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