Princesses Return

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"You go get Amber and Vivian and take them home, I have to finish the story," Sofia tells Clio.

"I'm just a call away if you need me," Clio says as she heads to Wei-Ling.

Clio lands at the palace in Wei-Ling and knocks on the door.

"Princess Clio?" The Empress asks opening the doors.

"Hi Empress Lin-Lin, I'm here for Amber and Vivian," Clio says.

"Ah yes, Jun told me what was going on, come with me," the Empress says.

Clio follows the Empress to Jun's room.

"Amber, Vivian, Clio is here," Empress Lin-Lin says.

"Clio, did you defeat Jodis?" Amber runs up.

"Not yet, but we were able to stop Shuriki. A powerful dragon melted her wand and with it made Shuriki mortal."

"Can we go home?" Vivian asks.

"Yes, I'm taking you home," Clio says.

"What about Sofia, will she be in Enchancia?" Amber asks.

"No, she is taking care of Jodis."

"Why aren't you helping her?" Amber presses out of worry for her sister.

"She told me to get you guys home," Clio says taking out her necessi-key and going over to a wall of the room and creating a door to Zumaria.

"Come on Vivian," Amber says.


"The door only lasts a few seconds," Amber explains.

Vivian and Amber walk through the door, Clio and Midnight follow.

"Mom, Dad?" Vivian asks as she walks into her castle.

"Vivian!" the rulers of Zumaria run to their daughter.

"I better get Amber back to Enchancia, stay safe Vivian," Clio says.

"I will," Vivian says to her friend.

"Come on Amber, Clover is worried about you."

"Okay," Amber says as Clio makes a door on the castle wall.

Amber, Clio, and Midnight walk through the door and into Enchancia where the royal family and servants are looking for their older princess.

"I'm here Daddy!" Amber says running up to her father.

"Amber, so glad your safe," King Roland says hugging his daughter.

"Thanks to Clio," Amber says.

"Everyone, I found Amber!" the king calls.

"Amber!" Queen Miranda and James run up to their family member.

"Sofia is taking care of some Protector business but will be here soon," Clio says.

"I know Sofia can take care of herself, she has proven it many times, I'm just glad Amber is safe. Thank you Clio," King Roland says.

"You're welcome, I have to go now," Clio says mounting Midnight and flying away.

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