The First Blessing

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The other guests arrive and the party is going really well.

Clio is talking to friends from Royal Prep.

"I love your amulet," Maya says.

"It looks like Sofia's," Jun says.

Sofia looks at the necklace, Jun is right, it does look like her amulet.

"Amber, we need to talk," Sofia whispers to her sister.

The two princesses walk away from the crowd.

"Sofia, what is going on?" Amber asks.

"I need your help, Clio's necklace looks like the Amulet of Avalor, and if it has the same powers as mine then we have to be careful."

"There is only one way to find out," Amber says.


"How did you get the power to talk to animals?"

"I helped a baby bird," Sofia says.

"Let's see what happens when she does it," Amber says.

"Amber, I am not going to endanger an animal just to see if Clio's amulet has the same powers as mine," Sofia crosses her arms.

"I'm not saying that, maybe there is another way for her to help an animal."

"Sofia?" A voice comes from her Enchantlet.

"Vega? What's wrong?" Sofia asks answering the call.

"We are having an emergency Protectors meeting," Vega says.

"Only I can come, Clio's birthday party is currently going on," Sofia says.

"That is fine, I will send Skye down," Vega says.

The transmission ends before Sofia can thank Vega.

"Can you cover me?" Sofia asks her sister.

"What if Clio asks where you went?"

"Oh, I didn't think about that, just say I left something for Apollo at our castle and I went back to get it."

"Okay," Amber says.

"Looks like Skye is here so I better go before Hildegard sees him."

"Good luck Sofia," Amber says as Sofia signals for Skye to land on the side of the castle.

Amber walks back to the group who is asking Clio about the new accessories that she got.

"I love the bracelet," Vivian says.

"Thanks," Clio says.

"Where did you get it?" Maya asks.

"Um," Clio is caught off guard.

"Sofia gave it to her as a thank you gift for taking her to the latest Corinthian play," Amber covers.

Clio nods understanding that what Amber just said will be the story so only the three princesses know the truth about where she got it.

Clio hears a baby bird chirping.

"Excuse me," Clio says knowing that since she is a protector in training it is her duty to help all living things.

Amber watches as Clio follows the sound of the distressed baby bird.

Clio moves some grass and sees a hurt bird.

"Clio, is everything okay?" Amber walks up to her.

"This baby bird needs help, as a protector in training I have to help all creatures, can you cover for me as I take this bird to the veterinarian in Orkney?"

"No problem," Amber says.

"Thanks," Clio says taking the baby bird inside to get something to make a bed for the bird and to change into her protector outfit.

"Lydia, can you bring a box to my room for this baby bird I'm going to take to the doctor in Orkney and have Cyrus prepare Lilac?" Clio asks the maid.

"Of course Miss," Lydia says.

Clio takes the baby bird to her room so she can change into her protector outfit.

"Here is that box that you asked for Princess," a male voice says.

"Thank you Nikos," Clio says walking out from behind her dressing curtain.

"Cyrus has prepared Lilac and she is waiting in front of the castle."

"Okay, thank you," Clio says taking the bird and gently placing it in the box.

Clio walks out of the castle where Cyrus is waiting with Lilac.

"Can you hold this please?" Clio asks.

Cyrus doesn't say anything he just nods and takes the box from Clio.

Clio mounts Lilac.

"Come on Lilac, be gentle when taking off, we have a possible injured bird that needs to go to Orkney," Clio says as she takes the box from Cyrus.

As gently as possible Lilac takes off and flies to the vet.

"Wait here Lilac," Clio says getting off Lilac and taking the bird into the building.

"Princess Clio, happy birthday," the secretary greets her.

"Thanks, is Dr. Dellis in? I have a baby bird and it looks like it injured its wing."

"He is out to lunch but I can take the bird and make sure that it is seen when he comes back."

"Okay, thanks," Clio says.

As Clio turns to head out of the office her amulet glows again and then she hears a little voice thank her. Knowing that she has to get back to the party she brushes the events off and flies back to the castle.

As she flies back to the castle she hears voices that don't seem to be coming from the citizens of Orkney.

"Okay, this is weird," Clio says.

"I'm proud of you Princess, you decided to help a baby bird than focus on a party that is being thrown for you," Lilac says.

"Lilac? Did you just say that?"

"Yes I did, Princess."

"Okay, this is weird," Clio says.

They are both quiet as they fly back to the castle.

Cyrus is waiting at the entrance so he can take Lilac back to the stables.

"Princess, are you okay?" Nikos asks as Clio walks into the castle with an uncertain face on.

"I need to talk to Princess Amber, can you have her meet me in my room please? After we talk I will go back to my party, I promise," Clio says.

"Of course Miss," Nikos says.

"Thank you," Clio says as she walks to her room.

Clio walks into her room and sits on one of her couches.

Apollo senses her confusion and walks over to her.

"Clio, you wanted to see me?"

"What do you know about Sofia's Amulet?"

"She told me a lot about it, what is going on?"

"After I took the bird to Orkney my amulet glowed and I heard a small voice."

"I think that you just got your first blessing, helping that baby bird must have given you the power to talk to animals."

"I can talk to animals?"

"I think that Sofia was right, your amulet might be like her's. You should ask her about it later. Right now let's go enjoy the party," Amber smiles putting her hand out to help Clio up off the couch.

"Okay," Clio smiles in return and puts her hand in Amber's.

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