A Princess' Advice

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"Princess, be careful, my sister is very cunning, find someone who you or Sofia trusts and make sure they can defend themselves," Azurine says.

"Right," Clio says summoning her Which Way Bow.

"Wait, Princess, where are we going?" Skye asks.

"We are going to see Amber, Which Way Bow, which way to Enchancia?"

Clio releases the bow and the arrow leads them to Enchancia.

The arrow disappears when they reach the Enchancia castle where Baileywick, the royal family, the guards, and servants are looking for Amber.

"What if they never find her?" Clio hears a voice.

"Then Sofia is going to be really, really sad," another voice Clio has heard before replies.

Clio gets off Midnight and runs up to Clover.

"Clover, what happened?"

"Clio, Prisma took Amber," Clover says hopping over.


"Yeah, she was getting worried because of Sofia and Vivian being missing so I was comforting her and a woman came and asked Amber for the amulet, when she refused she trapped Amber in a bubble and used a wand to take her away."

"I can't do this," Clio says running away.

"Clio," Clover says hopping after her.

Clio rushes to the garden where Sofia hosts her tea parties.

"Clio?" Clover hops over to her.

"Clover," Clio says picking up the rabbit.

"Clio, what's going on?"

"I don't think I can do this, Sofia is missing, then Vivian, now Amber, it's getting too hard, I don't think I can do this alone," Clio starts to cry.

"Clio, your necklace is glowing," Clover says.

Clio looks up to see a Latino woman with black hair wearing a red dress.

"Who are you?" Clio asks.

"I'm Princess Elena, Sofia saved me and now I'm here to help you," Elena says.

"How can you help?"

"I want to tell you a story," Elena says sitting next to Clio.

"Okay," Clio replies.

"Many years ago an evil sorceress took over my kingdom, my parents couldn't be saved. I was sucked into Sofia's amulet and the royal sorcerer put my little sister and our grandparents in an enchanted painting. When Sofia freed me from the amulet I went to face the sorceress and I thought that I had to do it alone. Sofia told me 'just because you're the one doesn't mean you're the only one'," Elena tells her story.

"So even though I have to do all these things I can have help too, I just have to lead them," Clio says.

"That's right, you're only alone if you want to be alone," Elena says before disappearing.

"What are you going to do now? If Prisma has Amber then you shouldn't have your amulet," Clover says.

"You're right Clover, maybe I can ask Sofia's village friends for help," Clio says.

"Good idea, Sofia's friend Lucinda is a witch so she can protect herself," Clover says.

"Right, I know what I need to do," Clio says getting up off the ground.

"Where we going Princess?" Midnight asks as Clio gets on her.

"We are going to find Lucinda," Clio says summoning her Which Way Bow.

Clio asks the bow to guide her to Lucinda and the arrow leads them to the village park where Ruby, Jade, and Lucinda are playing Dazzleball with other kids from the village.

"Time out!" Ruby calls as she sees Clio land.

"Clio!" Jade says as she, Ruby, and Lucinda walk over.

"I need your guys' help," Clio says.

"Is that Sofia's amulet?" Lucinda asks.

"No, it's mine but like Sofia's it is very special and if it falls into the wrong hands everyone is in trouble. Amber has Sofia's amulet but she has been taken and I need to find her, but I can't risk whoever has Amber taking mine too, will you guys keep it safe until I come back for it?" Clio asks.

"Of course," Ruby says.

"No problem," Lucinda agrees.

"Thanks," Clio says taking off the necklace and giving it to Lucinda.

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