The Princess and the Crystal Master

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Sofia looks at the dress the cloaked figure has on and sees that it is black and white.

"I've seen that dress before," Sofia says.

"What?" Clio asks.

"The dress, I have seen it before. It belongs to a princess that wanted to take over our kingdom."

Sofia runs to the person destroying Clio's party and rips the cloak off to see who it is.

"Ivy?" Sofia is shocked.

"Hello Sofia, want to hand over your amulet now?" Ivy says.

"Never, how did you get a Terra Crystal?"

"Oh, it was easy when a woman came to me and made me an offer I couldn't refuse."

"Sofia," Amber yells.

Sofia and Clio turn around to see Amber being held back by Prisma.

"Well, that answers one question," Sofia says.

"Let go of her!" Clio yells.

"Only when Sofia hands over her amulet," Prisma says.

"Fine," Sofia says taking her amulet off.

"Sofia, no, you promised Daddy you wouldn't take it off!" Amber says.

"Dad will understand," Sofia says giving Ivy the amulet.

"Finally," Ivy says happily.

"Now, let go of my sister."

Prisma releases Amber and Amber runs to her sister's side.

"I can't believe you did that," Amber whispers to her sister.

"Don't worry, I have a plan," Sofia says before whistling.

Apollo runs and starts chasing Ivy.

Minimus gallops over to Sofia as Apollo corners Ivy.

"Keep her there Apollo," Clio says as she sees Sofia take the shatter stone out of a pocket of Minimus' saddle.

"No!" Prisma says as she starts running towards Sofia.

Prisma is stopped by Clio who used her Enchantlet to tie the Crystal Master's hands together.

Sofia jumps and is able to hit the Terra Crystal three times.

"No," Ivy says as she watches the destruction she made disappear.

Sofia smiles.

"It doesn't matter, I have the amulet," Ivy smiles, "I wish for a kingdom of my own."

Nothing happens, not even a curse.

"What happened? I should be queen," Ivy is shocked.

"That amulet's a fake," Prisma yells.

Once again, Sofia smiles.

"This isn't over Princess, I will get that amulet," Ivy says before disappearing.

"Vega, Orion?" Sofia asks as she creates a connection to the Mystic Isles.

"Sofia, is everything okay?" Orion answers.

"Clio has Prisma, can you send Turan to come pick her up?" Sofia asks.

"Of course," Orion says.

"Thanks," Sofia says ending the connection and making a wind whip so she can help Clio restrain Prisma.

"Apollo, come," Clio says.

The dog runs to the princesses and growls at the Crystal Master.

"Look!" Amber says pointing to the sky.

"It's Turan," Sofia smiles.

"Great job as always Sofia," Turan says.

"Thanks," Sofia says.

"You too Clio, there is no doubt that Sofia chose wisely," Galial says cuffing Prisma and taking her from them.

"Thank you," Clio says with a curtsy.

"Oh and happy birthday," Turan says before they fly the prisoner back to the Mystic Isles.

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