CHAPTER 20: The Last Chapter

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Things are better left unsaid. Some of them. They can cause more harm than good. Today is a special day for us as this is the day when we will be evaluated with other trainee groups who are waiting on their debut. The winner will be having a debut show, which is a big deal for everyone at this point.

"Where is she?"

"Who?" I ask.

"Our stylist. I'm nervous what she will bring us."

"Agree agree. No offense, but uh, this is a big deal."

"She will do a good job."

I tell the guys quietly as we wait for her. Right now there are only four hours left and to make that time well used, I as a leader, decide to have a short practice session while we wait. We can not waste any more time.

"Hyung, what made you say that she will be fine? Do you know her?"

"I'm not sure." I try to change the subject but they are too curious about her. Just in time, she knocks and opens the door with clothes hanging on her shoulder and arms.

"Sorry you all waited too long." Panting, Y/N lays them all down on the floor.

"No worries at all."

I say slowly as the guys gather around and gathering their own clothes. Putting them on, I have to say, Y/N did a good job with the theme and her choice of color palette. Whenever our eyes meet though, there is this tension and I think she can feel it as well. She just does not want to say it explicitly about it, but I can feel it.

"Alright boys, time for-" our manager comes in and starts to become speechless, hugging her and looks at us.

"You all look good..." staring at us like a creep, but he smiles like a dad.

Nervously, we all get ready. Makeup. Done. Outfits ready, done. Mic check, in progress. While waiting for our turn, our dressing room starts to be real quiet until some of my group members are playing games in their phone. I take the chance to leave the room for a little while and have a small chat with Y/N.

"Yes? Is something wrong with the outfits?" She asks right away.

"No, no. Nothing like that at all."

"Then, what is it?"

"I think you know more than what I know." Slowly, I'm trying to reveal to her that there is something going on between us. I personally have no idea what that is, but for sure there is something.

"What do you mean?"

"You feel and look familiar to me. Can you tell me why you're on my phone?"

This time, I'm telling her bluntly about the photos that are saved on my phone. I am still puzzled as to why she is there. Is she someone important? For sure she is not a relative or else I would be so embarrassed and sorry for not recognizing her.

"What do you mean?"

Although she asks me, she does not seem to be concerned or weirded out by that fact. I explain to her that ever since, her photos has been saved in my phone for no reason and there are actually notes in the notes app and,

"It even says what you like and dont like, when your birthday is-okay, my point. Why is it here?" Noticing I am growing a little impatient.

"Do you really want to know the truth or not?"

But the truth is, whatever the cause may be, it is most probably for the best.

"Nevermind." I find myself telling her this as I shake my head. It starts to hurt a little and it has been awhile since it feels like that. As she is walking away, I yell as I try to catch up to her,


"What is it?"

"Could you tell me, at least, what we were if I'd say I'd believe you?" I really can not help myself.

"You were a robot. I created you through this AI chatting device. You said that you wanted to help people, to help me. You being human solely by surely, told me you will lose your memory, so you took as much photos as you can and place that into your phone. I believe that you loved me once before you started to forget. I loved you too, but was afraid to say it. After all, no one should love a robot. But things changed. You're now a human being, and seems like even me showing me face to you once more does not make any difference, then what's the point. There."

Baffled to what she tells me, we stand there awkwardly in the middle of the hallway,

"So you're just going to give up on me?"

Y/N nods with all her heart, "I don't want to force someone to love me back. After all, you are just a stranger I love. And maybe it's time to move on, because you are and I'm more than happy to see you on stage on day."

Bowing, she leaves and I watch her fade. Just like that, I've never seen her again in my life. Some say she quit and left the country. It's been 4 years and I never remembered who she was.

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