Chapter 16

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I had this strangest dream ever. I was hit by a car and then I blacked out. I even heard my sister blame herself for what happened and Jonghyun was here too, with me. But I don't know where I am right now. I can not seem to open my eyes nor even more a muscle in my body and it is terrifying me. I feel everything, ever since I blacked out. I heard echoes and the clanging of metals and what gives it away, as to where I still am now most probably, is the smell. The distinct smell of sanitizers, latex gloves and the stretchers' wheels on the floor.

I'm in the hospital.

DAY 15

Few weeks, it feels like, I start to lose track of who I am, of who I know in the world. Every single day, it fades away slowly, but surely. It might be because...No I don't know. I don't know what happened to me. But is this for the best? Maybe. I mean, whatever happened must have happened for a reason. I do not believe in coincidences but whatever this is, I will just have to accept it.


"Hey. You're awake!" A man comes inside my hospital room and hugs me tight. His cologne spreads in my nose.

"You...smell nice!" I shyly say to the man.

"Do you know my name, Y/N?" He asks, as he settles in the room, rolling up his sleeves and sitting beside me.

I think hard on an answer, but, "No. And who is Y/N?"

"You..." He lowers his eyes.

"Oh." The feel of sadness comes over me as I feel and know like I have already let him down.

"But, don't worry. I understand. You lost your memory. Maybe we can start again."

He cheers himself up by giving me 3 pieces of Oreo cookies of which I gladly accept without question. He can not be this bad man who wants to abduct me because if he is, he won't even wait for me to wake up or talk nice to me. Just not the characteristic of a criminal, I guess. He tells tales about him being a robot, his experiences and this weird emotions that he was having before the humanity in him starts to be in control. Finally, he does say his name.

"It's Jonghyun. Kim Jonghyun."

"Okay, that's an easy name to remember."

With that, I manage to ease his mind a little. Today is a very good morning. The sun is shining and the hospital ward that I am at, is fairly quiet and loud at the same time-not too loud, not too quiet. Just perfect. While Jonghyun is telling me things that we used to do together, a thought enters my mind and I can not wait for him to finish, so I interrupt him,

"Sorry uh, can I ask a question?"

"Of course. What is it?"

I ask him who I was before everything happened like this and he answers me in great detail. He tells me that I have an adopted brother and an older sister. Jonghyun then explains to me why the accident happened to me and that is because I was being selfless.

"So you're saying, I was saving my sister?" I ask.

"Yeah. That's who you are. Selfless and I think that was quite a heroic move."

"I guess."

But now, because of that, I do not even remember a single thing about the people that he just told me about and it makes me feel horrible about myself. I hit my head on the ground too hard that made my brain restart. Although he keeps on telling me to not do so to myself, I can not help it and I am just glad that he is here to tell me all of this. Honestly, I am having a little doubt whether he is fooling me into believing something that is not real at all and he have some other intentions. Those stops when my sister, as he told me, comes in, bringing me a small tub of Oreo ice cream.

"You love this when we were younger." She smiles, "My name is Jessica. In case, you...forgot." Looking a little sullen, she thanks Jonghyun for staying by my side and requests him to leave telling him that,

"Your manager is looking for you. He said you have a shooting to do."

"Sure. I'll catch up later." He smiles and waves goodbye to me before he disappears behind the door.

"You're my sister, right? Thanks."

"Yes, uh, what's wrong?" She notices that I barely touches my ice cream. My heart starts to pound and I decide that this is the time to tell her.

"Can you promise me, that all of this is real? What he told me, what you're telling me-everything? Can you do that?"

I start to panic a little. Some people can take advantage of one another when one actually forgets who he or she is especially, to the core. Who does not know what he or she was like before. Jessica hold both of my hands in hers and promises to me, looking deep into my eyes and I know she is telling the truth. After my confinement here in the hospital, my sister and my brother decides to bring me back home with them instead of being on my own again, living across to Jonghyun's apartment unit.

That means I am a bit far away from him, but not too far.

They both show me my room where I used to be spending most of my time and there on top of my study table, there are three photographs of the three of us when we were young, teenagers and one that looks like not too long ago, maybe it was taken this year.

A sweater is also hanging on my chair and it is a great trench coat. Jaehyun tells me that the person who gave that to me was Jonghyun. My dead boyfriend. Jessica gets mad at him for telling me that because I should never remember that.

"You know she didn't take his death well!" She gets mad at him. Her cheeks red.

"Alright. I'm sorry noona." He lowers his gaze, then continues,

"Sorry too. I'll leave you here to rest and oh-" he gives me my phone from his pockets.

"The police said you dropped this off when you...uh...yeah. Here."

Thanking him, I take my phone as he closes the door of my room. I take a very good deep inhale hoping that the smell of my room will jog down some memory somewhere in my brain but it fails. Lying down on my bed, I out my covers up to my shoulders and decide to discover my own phone. Finding Jonghyun's phone number and chat messages, it is the same guy that was being so nice an considerate towards me in the hospital, I leave him a text.

Hey. I got home. Good luck with your shooting!

Thanks! I'm happy you're safe. It's going to be a long day for me, though.

He replies instantly. Instead of continuing to chat through the platform, he calls and tells me a bunch about what it is like being a model for our company. He says that I work at this company at the marketing branch and I love my job. Do I? I ask him this and he agrees that do.

"Maybe, when you go back to work, they'll welcome you!"

hearing a background voice of his manager, it seems, he tells me that he will text me tomorrow or some time tonight before he goes to bed.

"Okay. Do well."

And I hang up the phone. For a while, I think I drift off to dreamland and it is dreamless.


"So, you're saying I can not give her any memories that we had?" I am phoning a customer service where I was created.

"Yes. Unless she's a robot like you, but she is not. Sorry, you can't really help her."

"Okay. Thanks. Sorry for bothering your work." Sighing, I hang up the phone and continue to work.

Today's photo shoot theme is about the summer getaway. It is going to be summer soon and I hope that I will have some free time to bring Y/N outside in the confines of her home and close friends and show her favourite places to make her remember. If that helps. Everything that I am able to do, I will do it.

Before I forget me too.

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