Chapter 19

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"Good work guys! I'll see you guys back at the dorm. I gotta have time to move in, right?" I tell them as I gather my things from couch.

"Yeah, see you hyung!" Our youngest says goodbye as the rest goes down to the basement to have their shower session as I head out of the dance practice, making sure everything is clean.

That girl from awhile ago looks like the girl from my phone, so I look at it once more while our manager drives me and when I compare her face, they are one and the same person. Sends chills down my spine, no kidding.

"You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." My manager laughs while looking at me through the mirror.

"You can say it like that."

Moving in to the dorm with my group members feels a little odd and cool at the same time. Not living alone is such a good feeling because it can get a little lonely every time I do not have anything to do. It's like I am a prisoner in my own house. Not anymore. As soon as all of my things are settled, we immediately go and take a nap since we have been practising for hours even before that girl came over and everyone is exhausted. Few hours later, a soft knock comes and I am the only one who is awake, so I open it to see her.


"Hi um," She starts, "Is it okay if I ask the sizes of your clothes?"


And Y/N panics as if she says something wrong,

"I mean, for your clothes for your stage that's coming up. I need your sizes for me to style everyone...if that's okay." Shyly, I let her in and we both sit in the living room giving her every size of every clothing and shoes that we all have for her.

"Sorry, but, have we met?" I can not control myself, but to ask her upfront regarding this issue. Y/N hesitates as if she does not hear what I just said, so I repeat it one last time and our eyes meet. Something about her that feels so familiar that it bothers me. I don't think I can sleep at night.

"Awhile ago. Don't you remember?"

"Yeah, no I do."

Then, there is sudden silence as she writes down everything that she needs to know from us, well me, since everyone else is still sound asleep. Throughout the whole day, that bothers me and...that bothers me, but I know it should not. I am aware that I was a robot once, but now that I am not, I guess who I interacted with or have relationships with does not matter any more. But again, I took tons of stole shots of Y/N and save it on my phone and it must be on purpose.



"Y/N! You have work! Did you forget?"

My older sister, Jessica screams from the washroom and I immediately get up from my bed and head down to the kitchen only to find my brother, Jaehyun is already washing the dishes. He also tells me to set up an alarm clock from now on so that I will not be fired from my work since I am starting over again and being late is a no no at any type of work. After, Jessica decides to drive me to work and gives me kisses on the cheek,

"Do well okay? I know you can do this. Fashion sense runs in our family." Winking, she heads up to the 8th floor to get to her own floor for work. Today will be very busy as I already received the budget for E'last outfit for that special day of theirs. That means, sitting in front of the computer, talking to local stores when I can get the clothes as early as I can get or else I have to make some my own.

It's not an easy task.

For most of the day, I spend it with typing, chatting on the phone and mini headaches here and there until the end of my shift. Most of the items that they need will arrive between tomorrow until the end of the week, which is pretty good, so I clock in a little late to make sure that everything is done before I leave my workstation. Getting outside, sitting on the bench and just relaxing, I notice a sad truth about my life at this moment. This new and supposedly fresh start.

It is quite sad and lonely.

I really have no friends, my only one and having a little feels for forgot who I was to him, tired from work, after work, I go back home. No life.

What should I do to break it? Go to a club? No, I'm too shy or timid enough to go inside one. Party? No, not my thing either unless I know someone, but I don't. Try to make friends? Well, this could be interesting. I could either make Jonghyun remmember me or be friends with him all over again, start from scratch. Or even go and use an online dating app? Geez I do not even know anymore at this point.

Might as well grow old alone.

The wind this afternoon is quite chilly and all it does is reminds me of that night when I was over at his house and he offered me a drink. Alcohol never suits me. My siblings says that I am the only one in the family who does not drink and does not get in to trouble much. Jessica says I am angel of the family. Between the three of us, but that's not the point. What is there in life without making decisions and risks?

Right now though, feeling a little tired, I let myself go back home and take a nap or even sleep the afternoon and evening away, skipping dinner and snacks. But on the way home, I remember a place where Jonghyun and I used to go. That park. We talked endlessly about the most random things in the world without a care whether the people who were passing by will judge us or not. Those days were the best days now that I might not have that with him any more.

Maybe I should have told him I liked him. I dont know who i liked or even had a boyfriend in the past, but I know, after I lost my memory back then, I liked Jonghyun.

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