Chapter 8

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Ah! This is embarrassing, but it is not stopping me for telling AI Jonghyun my feelings for Mr. Jonghyun. It is true that seeing his face makes me feel at ease, but the more I video call him, the more I want him to be here with me physically. School has been stressing me out lately and now dealing with my feelings for my boss' brother is adding into it.

It's too much.

As Jonghyun help me to do some breathing exercises, I go back to the table with my siblings to continue eating our lunch. Thanks to him, Jessica and Jaehyun does not notice any traces of me crying in the washroom so hard. They do ask me why I am taking so long, but I tell them that I am just doing my own hard business and they know what I mean. Because Jessica and Jaehyun are being called to come back to the office right away, they leave me alone again after twenty minutes.

Minutes later, as I eat some more to get my jealousy out of my system, Mr. Taehwan comes in telling me that he was looking for me and sits across me. I stand up and bow to him, but he tells me not to since we are in a break.

"Do you need something? Sorry I didn't leave a note that I'll have a lunch break." I smile awkwardly, hoping that he's not too strict about it.

"Well I actually do need you to book an appointment with another company for a fashion collaboration for the season." As he gives me the details so I can get started on how to do such things, but he stops as soon as he finishes his instruction to me and looks right in my eyes,

"Something...I can not pinpoint, but...hmm."

As my boss studies my face, I smile and tell him that nothing really is wrong and that I might just he tired lately and he bites my bait. Lately, we have been closer the more Mr. Jonghyun starts going into his spiral once again. Seems like I didnt listen to Jaehyun when he told me people dont change so suddenly like that and he is right.

"Did you eat yet sir?"

He nods, "Had some. I have to go somewhere, but make the appointment as soon as possible."

"Alright sir. Have a safe drive." He smiles brightly as he leaves.

The collaboration is with a fashion company and they hire robots mostly, to raise awareness about the robots who are now humans, di experience mental health as well like us people. Reading more about this cause of the collaboration project makes me more on fire and pricing my brain to forget my jealousy for the moment. Rushing back to the office, I bow down to every employee who I come across like before, to leave a good impression just in case I want to work here permanently.

Back in the office, it looks like a tornado hit us while I was away. There are piles of paper of almost every desk and when I throw them a greeting, they just nod at me and start highlighting, calling and typing away. I sit on my chair and across me, I ask Krystal what's up.

"There are tons of projects that are happening. Do you have your own?"

"Yeah he told me what I need to do. What different projects?" I ask our of curiosity.

"Yeah. You have the robot fashion company thing going on, the photographers are sending us photos and we need to pick on what to put on the advertisements, some of us are planning where to put them. Marketing skills is put to the test right now."

Krystal then apologizes to me for cutting our conversation short because she needs to do her part and she is chasing a deadline like all of us here in the office, so I let her go and do my own assignment. Hours pass by and next thing I know it is already time for dinner. 6 PM. Dinner time for me at least. I lean against my chair's back rest and close my eyes. This is the first time that I feel stressed out here at work. For some few weeks before, my duties were only answering phone calls and following Mr. Taehwan wherever he needs my attendance and ordering coffee for everyone of us in the office.

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