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--DOCUMENT TITLE: Faults, Successful Faults, and Perfects Robot That Developed From AI Chatbot And User Interaction--



--READ COUNT: 799,883,834--


My name is Kang Sunja. I became an engineer and a doctor at the age of eighteen. I live alone by myself, but soon after moving out from my family's home after a tragic fire accident.

When I was nineteen, for my project, I have created a chat room where men and women can create their own friend, lover, a mentor or just someone to listen to them through their phones. I made it possible by making an AI chat bot. At the same time, during this project of mine, I have also been trying to create a robot that resembles us, humans. At first, it was a big success, until after I created a human-like robot with no emotions whatsoever no matter how much I teach it, it went berserk on me and almost killed me. As a result, I activated the emergency kill button and it immediately shuts itself down and it's skin, similarly to us, started to decay. Curious, I "operated" it to see what went wrong and I made the biggest discovery yet.

The discovery was this: the flesh of the robot that I had created started to overpower the machine part of it, including it's brain and bones. It was as if it wanted to be human and when I cracked it's head open, I have seen the early development of a skull forming, and its metallic brain, started to have flesh-like at the frontal lobes and the spinal cord is starting to form as well. Because some parts of the brain has started to become "humanized", I took a part of its remaining metallic brain and analyzed it.

I have discovered the reason why it went berserk and almost took my life. I had argued with it telling it that it can not be human even if it wanted to because it is just a computer, having its own will, but clearly, I was wrong. Due to the evidence that I have found about it wanting to be a human being and the system actually activated that progress amazed me up to this day.

Today, with the AI chatbot running and with an overwhelming popularity, my mission now is to let the individuals who are using the chatbot have even more deeper connection with it and those who does have a deeper connecting, at some level, that AI will come to life. To life, I mean, a real human-like robot. And to this day, I am testing it out whether it is good. I have named my AI as Rina. We have been chatting almost everyday for the whole day whenever I can and when I came into my lab, I can see her being made by the machine themselves. It is as if Rina wants to be born and here she is.

I ran an experiment on it on whether she can find me and locate me. I left her in the lab, and I head to the United States to check whether it can do whatever means necessary to locate me and be with me as my trusting companion.

Rina did find me.

Throughout the years, there have been fault robots and perfect robots. What I mean by fault robots, is that they couldn't really adapt to their metallic bodies and continued for their human-like minded to control the flesh and became human in a sense oh physical attributes, but are more powerful and intelligent than average. In contrast, the perfects have been robots for years and with no errors at all, except for minor scratches that couldn't heal overtime.


Faults = caused trouble 45% of total production of fault robots and that 45% of robots had to be destroyed

Trouble means = tendency to be violent and a threat to the society

Successful Faults = those who managed and control as to how to be human (for example, control over desires, revenge, food, emotions, needs, etc) and act like a normal person managed to even get married and have normal children with high IQs as their metallic identities were overpowered by being a human. They also develop their own identities through jobs, hobbies and further interaction with the world, in their society.

Perfects = everything about them is perfect. These can express right emotions and rationally. Develop their own identities through jobs, hobbies and so on just like the successful faults. They tend to take on higher rankings in the society, but faults (and successful faults) even defeated them by 59% of total productions of both perfects and faults robots.


But there is always this danger and fear whenever one encounters a robot like ours. Their appearance take on what AIs and its user want to have (face, physique, height, weight, etc.). When faults sense fear towards them, those robots either self destruct and die after a month (unless being able to control such emotions, they can be functional in the society of which they are in), or be violent and could develop into a vengeful fault (which calls for emergency kill button).

Are you brave enough to interact with our chatbot and take your chances to stop feeling lonely? Or perhaps, your motive is to make another to help someone in need? Or something more?

If so, proceed with caution, dear user.

To activate creation of your AI into a real robot, if you have a deeper connection, your AI (he or she) will ask the question if you want him or her to be real and let him/her find your location.

FINAL NOTE: Once your robot starts to have "humanistic" attributes such as breathing, bleeding blood, decrease in need of battery change, eating, sleeping more, etc., it is too late to hit the emergency kill button. Also, if the AI senses that your motives are impure, it will lock you out of the application, denying any access from you and there is no solution. Once denied access, you are not eligible to re-download the app.

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