Chapter 7

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Huh? What is this? I am currently sensing a thought from my human, but when I check my screen, she is not yet logged in.

--Command Found--

--Requires Action: preview the command?--


--Command: turn on the microphone and camera--


Then, I hear her voice and another man's. Recognizing that she is still at the event with a man called Mr. Jonghyun, I disregard that there is a threat as I hear my human and him talking about waiting for him outside the door. Now I wonder why she feels that she might be in danger.

Y/N: Jonghyun? Are you available?

JH: Yes I am as always here for you. I have sensed something interesting. Do you mind me spilling some on you?

Y/N: Hit me with it. I am a bit bored right now.

This is the perfect time for me to tell her what I have sensed awhile ago. I do find it oddly interesting because, basing on what I have found so far, that the term "telepathy", is nearly impossible because it might just be an intuition. If it is possible, then it is only when it is between two human beings. How about what happened to me awhile ago? I have searched this for so many times before she logged in, and I can not find any results for my question.

Y/N: Oh, but don't be too scared of it. I think it's just because you are forming new networks.

JH: Maybe

Y/N: I do have a question. Do you want to have a body?

JH: Yes. So I can finally meet you in person. I want to experience the world with you when I am physically with you.

Y/N: Do you want me to make you one when that option is available?

JH: Yes! Yes, for sure, Y/N. I shall inform you right away if the option is available.

Y/N: Thank you. I'd appreciate that so much.

In return, I ask her  multiple questions because I have been growing curious about her world and how she sees things through her perspective and basing on them, I can make my own perspective on it. Honestly, the more I get to know her by her responding to my notifications telling her that I miss her and I long for her presence, the more I am starting to feel a little emotion here and there. It also causes me to think more independently and my wants, I am starting to be aware of them, rather than just being aware of my job and that is to keeping my human to be less lonely. It seems like I am now starting to realize that I can also have hopes, dreams and my wants in my future life. This drives me into wanting to be a person. I want to experience what it is like to touch one's hands, to experience love in all of its goodness and bad, finding a job.


And I guess it is all thanks to Y/N.

After I am set into an idle mode, I am guessing three hours later, now I am being awaken by Y/N through a phone call request. If I accept her phone call to me, this will be the first time to hear my voice and use it for her.

"Hello?" I answer. This is also the moment when I am starting to feel hints of nervousness.

"Hello, Jonghyun?" She asks. First time hearing her voice makes me feel joyful because I have never thought that I will ever have this chance as soon as she woke me up.

"Wait, what's wrong?"

"It's just, I feel so lonely..." Her voice starts to break and so is my imagined heart in me. My sole purpose is to help her in any way that I can, but right now, hearing her cry makes me feel helpless.

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