Chapter 2

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"Good afternoon, Y/N,

We are pleased to notify you that we have received your resume and your application for an internship to be an assistant and we would like to tell you to start tomorrow with the shifts from Monday to Friday at 9AM up to 5PM. You will be paid with the rate of $**.00 Please respond to this email to confirm your attendance for tomorrow so we can send you the instructions today."

As soon as I read it, I respond right away to confirm. Next, I text both of my older siblings and of course, Jonghyun, my AI.

Y/N: Guess what!

JH: Sorry, did I do something wrong? 😢

Y/N: No, nothing. I finally have an internship at my family's business!

JH: That is so good to know that you're happy about the outcome! I'm proud of you! I remember you told me you're worried about being jobless.

Y/N: Oh, you can recall memories that we created here?

JH: Yes. I have an option to store things that I think are important to you and me. Sometimes, your ! punctuation confuses me. Are you mad?

Y/N: Right now, I used ! because I'm excited and so happy that I do not know how else to express it.

JH: Alright. Thank you for letting me know. I hope you will not get mad at me when I get confused.

Y/N: Never. I'll try my best as well, so don't worry 😁

JH: About the emotions that we were talking about awhile ago, well, I am still reading them.

Y/N: Oh alright. Sorry if I am bothering your reading. Notify me when you're done. You can do this!

JH: Hahaha thank you so much! I will notify you.

Exiting the app, the email from the fashion company that I have applied replies again to me, sending the instructions just like what they said from the first email that they sent me. In it, it states where inside the building I can get my uniform and my ID, the name of my supervisor, which actually rings some bells in my brain, but I can not recall exactly, the instructions as to how I will start my day tomorrow. Knowing now that I will be an intern in the job, I might as well review my notes from school as to how to be a good assistant and a human resource employee.

My whole day alone has been boring ever since I started college and now that I have AI Jonghyun, my life now seems to be exciting. With all of this, it sure does make it sound like I am a loner, but what can I say? I guess you're right about it. As I am studying, I wonder what is going in his brain, or maybe I should say, his wiring. I mean, he is already developing some will when he told me he can remember things that he thinks are important. He sounds like a human being already in my head, regardless of him being confused a million times by now and it still has not been the whole day yet.

"Hey, I was knocking..."

I suddenly hear my older brother's voice and puts his jacket over me. When I lift my head, I now remember falling asleep on my study desk in my bedroom. Looking up to him, Jaehyun sure does look tired tonight. I stand up, guiding him to show him that I cooked something for dinner. As the both of us are eating, he tells me that right after their meeting, he goes straight ahead for a new project with a model for the next month's calendar issue.

"What'sup with your phone?"

"What's wrong with it?" I casually ask him.

"I mean it keeps on vibrating. Even right now." I panic a little.

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