Chapter 30

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Maddie’s POV:

Once we got into his room, he gently closed the door and sat with me on the bed.

“What is this about? Is everything okay? What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you-” Before I could finish, he cut me off by kissing my lips.

“Everything is alright, I promise… I just have something to share with you… it might sound strange… crazy even… but it seemed so real,” He says, forcing me to sit on his lap while hiding his face in my neck.

“Are you going to tell me?” I ask, taking his head out of my neck and giving his lips a small peck.

“Of course I am… but you have to promise me that everything will be alright with us if I do tell you,” He says, worried.

“Of course it will… unless what you have to say is something like you cheated on me or something,” I tell him, trying to see if that’s what he’s about to tell me through his eyes.

“Of course I didn’t cheat on you… you are the best thing that has happened to me… ever,” He says, looking into my eyes… and the look he’s giving me tells me that he’s telling me the truth.

“Well then, what is it that you have to tell me?” I ask him, more curious than before.

“I’m getting to that,” He says, letting out a chuckle.

“Well then, start talking, please,” I tell him.

Dylan’s POV:

I was ready to tell her… I’ve been thinking about what that goddess said to me… and honestly, I’ve been thinking alot about that whole thing… and I believe Maddie is ready to know… I mean, she’s having my baby… our baby… She deserves to know. 

“Maddie-” I start, trying to figure out a way to say what I have to.

“Dylan, just say it,” She begs me.

“Alright… here goes nothing,” I say, taking a few deep breaths. “When I was in that coma… I had this dream… well it wasn’t a dream, it was like reality… but there was this goddess… the goddess of um… I think she was the goddess of love, beauty, and breeding,” I tell her, and before I begin, I look up at her to find her with a comforting smile, showing me she’s listening to every single word I say. “She told me some incredible, but surprisingly different news… and I’ve been trying to find the right time to confess it to you for a while… you see, I needed time to wrap my head around this news… and… I finally did… so… What I have to say will-” I start rambling… which I tend to do when I get nervous, which she thinks is adorable… and I wish I knew how to stop, but I don’t.

“Just tell me,” She says, wrapping her arms around my neck while still sitting in my lap.

“She told me about our child… she told me that he or she will become a god or goddess like herself… but representing something different,” I finally tell her.

“What?” She asks, shocked while standing up in an abrupt motion. She starts pacing back and forth, probably wrapping her mind around this information as I had to do also. “You mean… I’m going to be giving birth to a god or goddess… and you didn’t think to tell me earlier… how does this even happen? How does one become someone as powerful as a god or goddess… I don’t think I-” I cut her off by quickly standing up and kissing her deeply.

“I think I figured it out… you’re nervous… so am I… but can I just explain this to you?” I ask, trying to calm her down. She nods for me to continue and she sits down with me.

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