Chapter 15

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After two hours of heavy planning and getting ready everything was finally finished all thanks to Bella’s help preparing. Now all I have to do is drive me and Dylan to the date’s destination, this should be interesting. We shall see, we shall see.


I was leading Dylan out of the car and towards where the date is set up trying to be careful not to let me or Dylan trip out  where we are at.

“How much further.” Dylan groaned.

“Just a little bit farther.” I say as we come near the spot where he needs to take the blindfold off. What he blindfolded me on our first date, why can’t I blindfold him on our second date.

“Okay okay now you can take it off, and just to clarify, I am talking about the blindfold not anything else” I say jokingly to him.

“Relax Princess I’ll take those things off when your begging me to.” He says while smirking as I have a massive blush on my face, thank god he still has the blindfold on.

Dylan took off the blindfold then had a really shocked face.


“What do you think.” I say gesturing towards the blanket near the edge right by the smooth waters below.The blanket was set up a few feet away from the edge of the cliff. And at the bottom of the cliff was a beach well mostly the water, then the beach but still, same point.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

“You did all this in two hours.” He asks in a shocked tone.

“Yeah, why does that surprise you.” I ask him.

“No, it's just it's amazing, you're amazing and….” he stops to sigh.

“And?” I ask him questioningly.

“And...andIloveyou.” he says too fast for me to know what he said.

“I'm sorry Dylan can you repeat that I didn't hear you.” I ask him curious to what he said.

“I LOVE YOU.” he says more slowly and definitely louder, I'd be surprised if the whole city didn't hear him.

Then suddenly it hit me the words slowly melting the walls, the walls that I had built up over the last four years since my dad’s death. He of all people have finally started to break down my skyscraper walls I had put around my heart for my own protection. He loves me, which is more than most other people can say to me. So I did the one thing I knew how to, I proved my emotions through my actions.

I walked right up to Dylan and kissed him passionately then whispered right in front of his face a small but extremely powerful “I Love You Too” Once I say that, he smashed his lips to mine again, both of us grinning like younglove freaks.

“I love you, I love you, I love you,” He repeats while spreading pecks all over my face.

“Are you trying to smother me?” I ask, trying to pull out of his tough grip on my cheeks.

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