Chapter 19

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Dylan’s POV:

I sat on the bed waiting for maddie to come out of the closet wearing something different, when I heard sobs coming from the closet instead. So I slowly walked over to the closet and opened the door only to see Maddie on the floor crying. I took a few steps towards her and kneeled down to her level on the floor. I lifted her chin up and noticed that she was shaking. I looked into her eyes, they held so much emotion, pain, anger, sadness, and love.

“Princess, are you crying?” I ask her even though the answer is obvious.

“D...Dylan, there’s something I need to tell you.” She says nervously.

“Okay, what is it Princess?” I ask, already missing her playful self.

“You should probably sit down.” She says keeping her gaze low.

“Princess, what is it? What’s wrong?” I ask her as I sit beside her.

“Dylan, I think it’s time you know.” She says wiping her tears away.

“Time I know what Princess?” I ask her in a soft nervous voice.

“Time you know about my past, about all the scars I have, about... Justin.” She says, then I feel my heart rate increase, and my blood start to boil.

“Princess, who is Justin.” I ask her still trying to maintain my calm.

“Justin is my ex-boyfriend, not that he ever was much of a boyfriend.” She says as she trembles.

“Okay, what does he have to do with us?” I ask concern lacing my voice.

‘H...He used to beat me, he would do awful things to me whenever I didn’t listen to him, he would often try to control me it was such a toxic relationship I was stuck in it for two years, until I moved here then I never talked to him after that, but the things he would do.The things he would say to me.” She stops, and looks into my eyes. I could see the tear stains on her cheeks, and I realized I was the cause of this, I triggered her to feel this way. My blood was boiling. I was so angry, angry at myself for making her remember such awful things, and angry at him for hurting my Princess.

“Oh Princess, I’m so sorry I didn't mean to make you upset.” I say trying to calm her down, next thing I know she’s crying on my shoulder her tears soaked my shirt as she cried harder.

I gently picked her up and carried her over to our bed and laid her down then joining and soothing her to sleep. As I drifted off myself.


I woke up Maddie was still asleep in my arms. She looked beautiful, her hair was messy, but she still looked absolutely stunning. Even with her hair messy and her still being asleep. She started to stir in her sleep, turning until she got into a more comfortable position. She had her head on my chest, she was for the most part anyway curled into a ball, she reminded me a little bit of a cat in her feline like position. Suddenly her eyes fluttered open and she let out a sigh.

“Well hello there sleeping beauty.” I say to her, causing her to send me a glare.

“I’m too tired to deal with that shit.” She says before trying to get off the bed, only to trip and fall off landing firmly on the floor. I burst out laughing at it before she glares at me.

“S..s..s.sorry Princess I’ll come help up.” I say, still trying to supress my laughs.

“Whatever bitch boy.” She comments as I help her stand up.

“When you break your nose I’m gonna laugh.” She says.

“Who said I was going to break my nose?” I ask her confused.

“Me, when I beat the crap out of you for laughing at me.” She says before jumping on my back, catching me off guard causing me to fall onto the floor as we roll around until finally I pin her to the floor before placing a kiss on her nose.

“Looks like the only thing happening to anyone’s nose is it getting showered in kisses.” I say before kissing her nose numerous times after.

“I don’t like you.” She says,

“You're right,  I don’t like you either, I love you. And you love me too.” I say before standing up and picking her up off the floor and carrying her like a sack of potatoes to the closet.

“Yeah, well I wish I didn’t,” She says.

“I’ll leave you here to change, while I go decide which car we’re taking.” I say trying to leave the room.

“Wait , where are we going?” She asks.

“Guess you’ll have to wait and see to find out.” I say as I leave the room, letting her get dressed.

Maddie’s P.O.V

Why that little jerk, the last time he had a surprise for me I almost had a heart attack because he had me blindfolded. Besides I’m not exactly a big fan of surprises, oh well, what can I do? I walked into the closet and grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and a purple sweater as well as a pair of heeled boots. Before walking out of the closet putting my hair in a ponytail and leaving the room. I walked down stairs only to see Dylan standing by the door with a hoodie on and a pair of jeans. And damn now all I can say is how fine he looks not even trying. 

“You look nice princess.” He comments.

“Thank you.” I say. “You could look better,” I lie as I check out his clothes.

“Now, that’s not very nice, Princess,” He says as he opens the front door for me to walk out.

“Well, I never said I was nice, now did I?” I ask him sarcastically. “If you’re not telling me what the surprise is, then I’ll be a bitch of a girlfriend,” I tell him as I wait for him to shut the door and follow me. When he got outside after locking the house up, he quickly walked to me with an angry expression… oh boy… here we go again. I chuckle at my own song reference.

“I don’t like you using that word to describe yourself,” He tells me strictly while grabbing a hold of my shoulders.

“I’m sorry,” I mumble while looking down like a child who’s in trouble.

“You’re okay, princess,” He says while pulling me into his body and hugging me. “Now get in the car,” He says as he lets me go. I then get into the car, as Dylan walks around to the drivers side and gets in.

“Dylan,” I ask to which he responds with,


“Do you think our relationship will last?” I ask, causing him to turn towards me with a soft expression.

“Why are you asking princess?”

“I don’t know, I guess I was just wondering what you think is gonna happen.” I say.

“One thing I do know is that I love you, and I don’t think anything could change that,” He tells me before gently placing a kiss on my lips. After he starts the car and we drive off, to wherever the hell he planned. As we drive, that question stands: Is our relationship going to last? And a bunch more questions start adding on: What if he gets tired of me? Does love fail? Will he be the one who breaks-

Before my thoughts could finish, he takes my hand in his.

“What are you thinking about, Princess?” He asks while kissing my knuckles.

“How much I love you,” I lie.

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