Chapter 23

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Maddie’s POV: A month later

I was sitting in the hospital cafeteria with Landon, since he was  hungry. But I couldn’t eat. All I could do was think. I kept thinking about Dylan the whole time I felt like my whole world had come crashing down. I felt so hopeless, I didn’t know what to do. So I just sat there, my heart aching, my brain slowly becoming dysfunctional,  my body shaking as if the slightest movement could shatter me. I felt so weak. My breathing became heavier as my eyes began to tear up. I stood from my seat and made my way to the bathroom. Once I got there I took one look in the mirror and what I saw was a girl, a girl with a broken heart and tears slowly running down her face, the girl was me… I’m broken without him... Soon I was sobbing all the bottled up emotions I had, not just from this but from everything in my life… it all came rushing out of my system like a train on a railroad going fast enough to crush a moving vehicle. I felt pain and sorrow but most importantly I felt anger. I was so mad at Dylan earlier, but really I was just being stupid I was so selfish so prideful. Soon my sobs turned to angry cries. 

“WHY!!!!” I cried out as I punched the mirror, causing the glass to break and cut open my fists.

“GODDAMNIT, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING, HUH, WHAT THE FUCK DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE ALL THIS SHIT!!!!” I then kicked one of the stall doors and punched it until I heard a crack come from the broken stall. Soon it was off its hinges causing me to throw it into the non-broken mirror. 

“AHHH, ahhhh!!!!” I felt myself fall to the floor. I was crying so hard.  Soon the bathroom door burst open and I saw Gen and my mom.

“Oh my god Maddie, are you okay?” My mother asked me.

“Maddie sweetheart you’re bleeding, your hands are covered in blood. Come on we need to get you to one of the doctors so they can patch you up.” My mom tells me as she and Gen help me up and walk me to a doctor while I stare blankly at my feet, wanting my boyfriend to wake up.

Dylan’s P.O.V

Where am I? Did I make it to the gang warehouse? Why can’t I speak?

Hello? I try using my voice, but my mouth won’t move. What happened? Where’s Maddie? My mom? Shaun? Am I dead?

“Hello, Dylan,” A woman in a full white, wavy gown with white lace sleeves walks towards me, trying not to step on her long gown that hit the shiny white floor. “You have probably noticed you haven’t spoken at all, that, my son, would be because you are temporarily paralyzed from the impact you took a little bit ago. “But you may speak now,” She says, that’s when I felt my jaw be released from the lock it had.

“Where am I?” I ask the first question I thought of.

“This-” Before she answered, I asked another.

“Am I dead?” I ask, really needing answers.

“One question at a time, my boy,” She says. “Let me answer both of those questions… first, you are in my home, and secondly, you are not dead,” She answers softly.

“Where is your home exactly, because it kind of looks like heaven,” I say.

“I must introduce myself… I am Aphrodite, the daughter of Zeus and Dione,” She says. “I am the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, passion, and procreation, or in human form, breeding,” She says.

“And, why am I here, no mean to disrespect,” I tell her.

“Of course not, you’re just curious,” She says. “And to answer your question, you are here because you will be inheriting a youngun soon-” Before she could finish, I cut her off.

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