Chapter 27

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 Maddie’s POV:

It had been a month since Dylan and I had taken our relationship to new heights and I honestly felt a lot happier. We’ve both been a lot more honest with each other and I feel like our relationship has really improved a lot. But lately I've been feeling really sick usually early in the morning and late at night. So today I decided to go to the doctor and I asked Bella to come with me since she’s my best friend and my only friend. When we got there the doctor ran a few tests to see what it was, after doing all the standard procedure stuff they normally do when you come in. After about 10 minutes of waiting the doctor came back and told me that none of the test she ran showed anything abnormal, but she said she wanted to run some more test so I let her run the tests before me and Bella decided that we would leave and go to the mall so I told the doctor to just call me when the results came in.


 After shopping at a few stores, even one I didn’t really want to go to ever since my mom made me go to it. We decided that we should stop and get something to eat, and I was super hungry so I ordered enough for three people. Halfway through the meal I got a call from the doctor, so I quickly picked it up.

“Hello Dr. Hudson, how did the tests go?” I asked her. Then she said the most shocking words I’ve ever heard in my life.

“Hi Miss. Black I just wanted to tell you since the results came in. Good news you're pregnant.” She says excitedly. Next thing I know I dropped my phone and turned to Bella, knowing that she had heard the whole conversation.


“Oh my god.” She says completely shocked.

“What the fuck.” I say shocked as well. And  that is when we decided to go home and process this new information… how in the hell am I supposed to tell Dylan? How will he react? Oh my god… if he doesn’t want the kid, I’m going to be a single parent… unless I get an abortion… absolutely not… I can’t kill an unborn child… damn it, stupid Dylan… use a fucking condom you horny asshole… then again, it was my fault too… it takes two to tango.

“I’ll drive,” Bella says, taking the keys out of my hands and getting into the driver’s seat.


Once we got home, I was seriously freaking out, I knew Dylan was home, so I decided to avoid him at all costs… What the fuck am I supposed to do? Tell him? Yeah not happening… I’m still screaming on the inside with this new information… I mean, it’s not that it was a mistake… I’ve been thinking about kids and stuff, but me and Dylan haven’t talked about it…

“Hey babe,” shit shit shit shit shit… what do I do? Maybe he didn’t see me… instead of continuing my path, I decided to turn around and walk away, but instead, I ran into a hard wall… Wait, when did we put a wall here? I slowly look up to find my beloved boyfriend right in front of me.

“Hey,” I smile up at him, innocently.

“Is there something wrong?” He asks, helping me up, since the sudden impact made me lose my balance and fall back.

“Not at all, I’m just a little hungry, and looking for Bella,” I tell him.

“Bella went into the kitchen, and I will make you something,” He says, walking with me to the kitchen.

“Hey, Maddie,” Bella says, handing me a water bottle.

“I need to talk to you,” I tell Bella. She nods and walks with me upstairs.

Once we get upstairs to a guest room, I push her in and lock the door behind us.

“How in the hell am I supposed to keep this from Dylan?” I ask her.

“I don’t know… maybe, tell him the truth,” She whispers back to me.

“I have a fuckin kid in me… what if he doesn’t want it… and then I end up as a single mother and the worst parent in the world,” I whisper yell at her.

“You’d be an amazing mother… and I promise you, Dylan would love this baby like he loves you,” She tells me with soft, kind eyes.

“I really hope you're right, but still how am I supposed to tell him?” I ask her still freaking out on how he will react.

“Maybe you should wait until you’ve had a little more time to process this. Just wait until you’re a little more calm. And know how you're gonna do it.” She tells me before giving me a hug.

“That’s a good idea, thank you Bella… I have no idea what’d I’d do without you,” I tell her while giving her a hug.

“Oh no doubt you’d struggle endlessly.” She tells me as we head out the door together laughing.

“Yeah, yeah, why don’t you go hangout with your boyfriend. While I try and figure out what I’m gonna do about mine.” I tell her as I make my way to mine and Dylan’s room.

As I sat on the bed thinking about what Dylan would say once he found out I was pregnant I started to think back on everything. After my dad died my mom became a single parent, and I know she would do anything for me, just like I would do anything for my unborn child. So even if Dylan doesn’t want this baby I know my mom will support me with whatever decision I make. So I made up my mind on what to do about Dylan. 

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where I saw Dylan making food, since earlier I had told him I was hungry. I went over to him and hugged him from behind. Then I turned the stove off and pulled him closer to me.

“Dylan, we need to talk.” I said trying not to get too nervous.

“Yeah sure, about what?” He asked as I led him out to the backyard.

“Umm I have something really important to tell you, so I need you to listen to me very carefully okay.” I tell him as I feel sweat running down the back of my neck.

“Princess are you okay, you know you can tell me anything.” He says as he cups my face.

“Yeah I know.” I say feeling more and more anxious by the second.

“So I’m listening, what did you want to tell me?” he asks looking at my eyes.

“Well here goes nothing, guess it’s now or never. Umm...Dylan I...I...I’m pregnant.” I say hoping he won't flip out or something.

“Y...y...I’m sorry you’re what?” He asks a confused look clear on his face.

“Surprise!!” I say in a nervous tone.

Next thing I know Dylan is on the ground passed out, but finally after five minutes of me slapping his face non-stop he woke up.

“Oh babe I had this crazy dream, where you told me you were pregnant.” Gee, how familiar.

“Dylan, that wasn’t a dream I told you and then you passed out.” I tell him, really getting quite irritated… but I don’t know if it was the hormones, or my normal self.

“In my defence you should have told me to sit down, I was just really shocked. Don’t get me wrong I’m really happy and all, I wouldn’t want anyone else to carry my children other than you, the woman I love. I was just not expecting that. But still I can’t believe it.” He finishes the sentence while smiling and picking me up then spinning me around happily.

“Wait so you aren’t mad, or even don’t want anything to do with the kid?” I ask him.

“No why would I be mad? Besides I’ve always dreamt of having kids, well once I met you.” he says as we walk back into the house together.

“Well I think it’s a little too early to tell everyone, so for now can we just keep this on the down low, please?” I ask.

“But I want to celebrate, alright okay you know what you're absolutely right, we should probably keep this on the DL for now.” he says before bringing me into his warm embrace yet again.

“I want you to know you just made me super happy. I love you so much.” He tells me as we walk into the house.

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