Chapter 24

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Maddie’s POV:

The next morning I woke up to the sound of Dylan snoring which caused me to cuddle in closer to him… his warmth surrounding me like a blanket… I was enjoying the moment until I heard small snickers around the hospital room. I slowly open my eyes and am shocked when I see what’s happening.

“Look at that… she looks so cute,” Shaun says.

“You say that again, my son will probably kill you for calling his girlfriend cute,” Gen says. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes as I wear a confused face as to why everyone is in this room and not in the waiting room.

“Yeah, and don’t call my daughter cute,” My mom says, sending a glare to Shaun.

“Guys, why are we even in here?” Bella says, rolling her eyes while stepping towards the door.

“Because it’s almost time for Dylan to walk,” Drex said… dude, I haven’t seen him in forever. I slowly get out of Dylan’s arms and off the bed, once I’m on my feet, I slap everyone from Dylan’s gang on the head for being them. As soon as I circled back to the other side of the bed, where Dylan was slowly waking up.

“Maddie… where are you,” Dylan frantically asks while slowly searching the room full of people. “Maddie…” He whispers to me once he sees me. Once I lean down on the bed, he continues. “Why is everyone here?” He whispers to me.

“Because they’re all idiots,” I whisper to him. “Well, except for Bella and our moms,” I finished.

“Okay,” He says, pulling me back down on him, barely missing his stomach wound, and he breathes in my smell and I can hear him slowly falling back to sleep.

“Okay, sorry it took so long, Dylan Stone, are you ready to start walking?” The male doctor asks.

“Ugh,” Dylan groans before kissing my neck, that’s currently over his lips, then he slowly let’s me back up and holds my hand. “Not really,” He says. “But ready for what?” Dylan asks.

“Ready to walk, of course,” The doctor says.

“I’m sorry… but who are you again?” Dylan asks, trying to recall his name.

“My apologies, my name is Doctor Valerie,” The doctor states.

“First name,” I push.

“Nate,” He says.

“Nate Valerie,” Dylan mumbles.

“I was shocked to hear you were here, and I was ecstatic to be able to help one of my best pals,” Doctor Valerie says.

“I’m sorry, do I know you?” Dylan asks, confused.

“Don’t tell me the coma made you forget your best mate,” Nate says.

“Wow… Nate…? Man, I haven’t seen or talked to you in forever,” Dylan says, sitting up, I help him.

“I’ve been in medical school for a while… I just can’t believe my best mate is here in the same place I work,” Nate says.

“Nate, man… this is amazing…” Dylan says, now, everyone was out except for me, Dylan, and of course Nate.

“Who’s this gorgeous lady next to you?” Nate asks, bringing his eyes to me.

“This is my beautiful girlfriend…” Dylan says, taking my hand in his and bringing my knuckle up to his lips.

“I’m Maddie,” I tell Nate while giving him my free hand, he kisses my knuckle also. Dylan growled, and I’m sure Nate heard because he quickly let go of my hand.

“Sorry, mate… but no need to worry, I’m married, have been for a few years,” Nate says, showing us his ring finger on his left hand.

“It’s fine,” Dylan says and then he whispers a clear apology in my ear the best he can. “Um… can I get a little time with my girlfriend before we walk?” Dylan asks, not taking his eyes off of me.

“Of course,” He says, then he walks out of the room and closes the door.

“Babe… love… princess… I’m sorry, I told you I would do my best to work on my jealousy… I want you to know… you make me confident in myself and even though I have this fear that you’ll leave me, I know for sure, you love me, I love you… and our relationship is the most important thing to me, after you… I love you past the moon and back…” He says, tears in his eyes. “But please forgive me… I need you to stay with me,” He begs. He’s afraid that I’m going to leave him?

“Dylan, stop crying,” I wipe the falling tears with my thumb while cupping his face with both of my hands. “I love you more than life itself, I know you have flaws, we all do. No relationship is perfect because then it wouldn’t be true love… relationships are flawed whether we like it or not… we fight, we cry, and we yell… but none-the-less, we still seem to fall even deeper in love… there’s no possible way that I could leave you… you keep me strong… you keep me from falling down… and you keep me happy… as long as you are happy to deal with me, I’ll feel favorably lucky to deal with you,” I tell him before kissing his lips deeply, it didn’t only contain love… it held passion… hope… truth… and how much I have fallen for him.

“I love you so much,” He says, pulling away from the kiss while staring into my eyes.

“Wanna know a secret?” I ask him.

“Of course,” He says.

“I love you more,” I tell him.

“Can we get to walking?” Nate asks, opening the door.

“Yeah, let’s do this,” Dylan says, adjusting his body so I can help him move his legs so they’re hanging off the bed.

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