Chapter 32.

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First of all thankyou fatimazahrafarah for all the votes and support 😘💞
Secondly keep doing your thing and I'll keep writing😜 thankyou 😘 x

Jason's pov;

Katie was knocked out for the whole night.

Its 2pm and I haven't heard a thing from her room.
"Niall, Alfredo lets go check on her." I nod towards the stair case.

They both nodded and got up to follow me.


Katie's pov;

I was awake but too lazy to open my eyes.
"Isn't she a beauty?" I heard jason whisper.
"I wouldn't mind having her." I heard another male chuckle.

I heard a slap and a groan. That's when I decided to 'wake up'.

I stretched and rubbed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see jason, Niall and another man standing there all staring at me in 'awe'

"What am I doing here?" I rolled my eyes while sitting up.

"Your finally home." He smiled.

"No, this is your home, but right now I'll be on my way home." I laughed while slowly getting up off the bed.

Jason raced round to the side of the bed and pushed me back down.

"No! Your mine!" He cried out desperately.

I stayed laying there on the bed where he threw me back down. "I don't think so mccan. You see, no one owns me, I own people..." I sat up, I looked down and noticed I was in one of his t-shirts.

I smirked. "No one will attempt to own me or treat me like a possession." I slowly took his t-shirt off me proving a point leaving me in my black laced underwear.

I felt the two boys behind me eyes burn through me. Jason just looked angry.

"Put. It. Back. On. Now." He said through gritted teeth trying to keep calm.

I kneeled on the bed and grabbed his shirt and pulled him into me.

I leaned into his ear and whispered "make me." causing my lips to brush against his earlobe. He shivered and swallowed hard.

With that I pounced off the bed and ran downstairs.

I heard fast footsteps rapidly approaching after me.

"Catch me if you can!" I giggled while sprinting downstairs.

I came to a sudden halt when I realised I was now only in laced underwear Infront of Jason's whole gang.

"Ooh! Is that Victoria secret?!" Demi said eagerly.

"It's a secret." I winked.

Being distracted jason came running behind me and spun me around forcing me into his chest.


I couldn't stop laughing. That was until he threw me over his shoulder carrying me back upstairs.

I was now alone in the room with him.

He threw me on the bed causing me to land on my back so I'm now laying down on the bed.

"No one. And I mean NO ONE can see you like that besides me! Katie stop being difficult!" He growled.

I stood up on the bed and started bouncing.

"I want to go home." I laughed while still bouncing.

He grabbed my ankle casing me to fall on the bed again.

I got off the bed and slapped him.

"Stop fucking doing that!" I growled.

"Make me." He snapped before pushing me down on the bed and pinning me there.

"Ooh I like this position." I giggled while he was hovering over me.

"Me likey" I winked.

His eyes grew darker. And his jaw clenched.

"You will be mine." Was the last thing he said before getting off me and leaving the room.

"Urgh!" I cried out while laying down comfortably on the bed.


Happy new year babiesss x

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