Chapter 21.

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Jason's pov;

After the video finished I watched her carefully. He whispered something to her and left.

She ran behind the camera and came back over to the bed with a knife.

I swallow the lump in my throat hoping she wouldn't cut. Thankfully she threw it without harming herself but broke down crying which made my heart throb.

I walk out the room after sending my boys to work to find out address and numbers.

I walks to see tyler gulping down vodka violently.

"What are you doing? This isn't going to help!" I sigh while rubbing my forehead.

"I'm going to get her now!" He burped out.

"And get her and us killed? Nah." I chuckled while sitting him down on the near by couch.

"Do you want your little sister to live or die?" I sigh trying to knock some sense into him.

"Live." He slurred.

"Then stop being a selfish drunk and listen to me! She will survive if you listen to me." I exaggerate.

"No!" He cried.

He stood up and pushed me, but the force of pushing onto my chest he fell back and passed out.

I laugh and scratch the back of my neck.

"Guys I found him!" Nick bursts into the room shouting.

I look up and Nick looks down at tyler then back at me. His face drops.

"Jason man what you done this time?" He sighs.

I held my hands up in surrender and laugh. "Nothing man I swear."

He just nodded and motioned me towards the room.

When I got into the room a photo of a man who looks unfamiliar was up on the screen.

"His names Derek brown. He's 37 and isn't far from here. Infact about a 15 minute drive. He has a son Austin brown who lives in England." He continues talking but I didn't listen as it wasn't important.

Nick was interrupted by the sound of my office phone ringing.

I pick up slowly.

"Hello." I lowered my voice.

"Why hello jason. Now that I know you know who I am. We can carry on with the games." He chuckled.
"Now, I assume you have a crush on this repulsive woman. So I will let you in on a little secret.." He continued. "She isn't that good in bed." He whispered while laughing. "

"You little fucker! Watch when I get my hands on you!" I growl while pounding my fist on the desk making everyone jump.

"If you say so mccan. Now your all fighters right? So fight for the slut. You have 4 days to get here prepared to fight. Goodbye." He chuckled and hung up.

"Be ready to fight boys. A war is about to begin." I snap while walking out the room slamming the door behind me.


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