NamSeok (Sad)

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Namjoon always loved the sky. It was one of the only things that brought joy to him when he felt sad. From mornings to nights, from sunny days to thunderstorms... he loved everything about sky.

When he felt lonely he would look up, knowing someone may be looking up at the very same sky. When he felt sad he looked up, the beautiful colors calmed his thoughts down. When he felt lost he looked up at the sky, the stars showed him many directions.

But the most he loved about the sky was the familiar feeling it gave him. Even though it changed everytime, it was still the same. Even when everything on the world left, the sky was still there.

Namjoon took out his headphones, taking his eyes away from where he was looking at the magnificent sunset to do so. He looked around the small cafe to see a lot of people that was there before already left. He and a couple were the only ones left.

Collecting his belongings Namjoon got up from his table. The cashier, who was writing something down at the moment, looked up when Namjoon came to the register.

After paying for his drink he left and started to walk down the street. While doing so he looked up again.
It was one of those days where he felt lonely. The sky was calming him but the feeling still was present.

But before he could take another step someone's call stopped him.

"Sir!" He turned around to see the cashier from before running to him.

"Excuse me sir. I think you dropped your headphones." The man said with a smile on his face.

Namjoon looked down, embarrassed. Grabbing the item he thanked the cashier.

"Thank you, uhm... Hoseok?" Namjoon read the nametag the worker had.

"No big deal." But before the clumsy man could leave the cashier stopped him.

"Hey aren't you Kim Namjoon. From Bighit University second year?" Hoseok questioned. By the confusion on the taller ones face the cashier could tell he was right.

"Do I know you?" The taller man asked.

"I'm also going to Bighit University. Aren't you the one who performed a rap song in the talent competition?" Namjoon nodded trying to remember the shorter male who now looked really familiar to him.

"I'm the one who danced in that competition. Jung Hoseok." The taller immediately realized whom he was talking to then. The really known dance student in his university.

"Oh yeah! I remember now." Namjoon awkwardly smiled.

"I must be lucky I was just thinking about you." Hoseok smiled back at him while talking to him.

Namjoon looked at him shocked for a second which caused Hoseok to realize what he said. The shorter male started to blush while waving his hands in the air.

"I mean! Ahem... I meant like I was thinking about talking to you about a project I wanted to do. For a dance song y'know?" Hoseok's pink blush made Namjoon look at him longer than he probably should.

"So... what do you say? Will you work with me?" Hoseok asked, smiling big again.

Just like that the two started to work together. The project caused them to get close and become friends. Hoseok was always fun to be around he also cared a lot about Namjoon.
The taller man couldn't say he didn't care about the other as well. Hoseok was really important to him and he was happy to have found a friend like him.

But his feeling took a turn one day.

Namjoon was walking to the building he had a job interview in. By this time both him and Hoseok already had graduated. Their friendship continued strong over the years.

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