YoonJoon (Angsty/ Sweet) Pt. 1

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The longer the lessons got the more annoyed Yoongi became. It was like the lessons never end.
The mint haired boy sight for the nth time, almost falling asleep in his desk. But everytime he closed his eyes a little longer than a blink the teacher's screeching voice caused him to slightly jump in his sleep. And on top of that the other student kept on asking questions which caused the the teacher to talk more, so they could leave until the question was answered.

The lesson finally came to an end when all of the questions were answered. Yoongi left the class as quickly as he could since he loathed the place. The faster he could leave the faster he would be able to get away from social interactions. At least that's what he told him self.

The sun was shining pretty bright even though it was close to evening. But it wasn't warm, more like a cool air. It was almost the end of winter so it was understandable why the sun was deceiving the eye.

Since he didn't have a lot of weight to carry with him, Yoongi decided to take a different path rather than to go the usual way. This pathway went through the public park so it would be a good way to get some fresh air, he thought.

Walking rather slowly he made his way towards the park that held a serene aura within it. The Park wasn't the biggest one in the city but it was quite popular.

Putting his almost empty bag on an empty bench he sat down next to it. He took out his notebook, feeling inspired by the calming air around him and the loving looks the people gave to their beloved ones.

He opened his notebook and started to write in it, whether if it was a poem or a song lyric, maybe even just normal descriptive sentences. Writing was his safe personal space so he used it whenever he felt stressed or bored.

The mint haired boy didn't even realize it was getting dark, he was so focused on his writing. The sun already setting causing the beautiful blue sky to be covered by magnificent shades of red, orange, yellow and pink. The people has already left the park one by one.

When he was finished the sun was almost gone. He only realized it now that his surroundings has got darker and darker. He hurriedly put his notebook back into his bag but before he could zip it he heard a shuffling sound.

He froze up, not knowing what to do. He started to move backwards a little when he saw a black figure behind a tree. The figure was bent down and it's back was facing him. Yoongi swallowed and moved back as quietly as he could. Then he spinned around and sprinted away. He was the one for physical activities but he was thanking his basketball team coach for making him run laps, which he never thought he would ever in his life.

He didn't dare to check behind, his brain only focused on one thing and that was his own survival. He ran and ran until he reached his apartment. He closed the buildings door and pushed his back against it. He was breathing very hard, trying to catch his breath since he ran the whole way.

He immediately turned back to see if anything followed him. He intentionally ran in a complicated route so whatever was him couldn't keep up. He couldn't see anything and it was really dark outside now. He sighed a little but didn't relax entirely, still on the lookout for anyone or anything that might've stalked him.

He knew he was being paranoid but it was better being safe than being sorry.

He walked to his flat and entered. When he closed the door he locked it just to make sure. Then he went and put everything down. Before organizing his stuff he made sure the windows were secure and looked out because he was still feeling really uneasy.

When Yoongi got to his bag he realized he dropped his notebook while running because he didn't zip it. He groaned frustratedly and threw his bag next to his table. He ran all that way so now finding that notebook would be impossible.

He sat at his table and started his homework but he still had his mind on his notebook. All of his hard work now would be thrown away thanks to that one creature he didn't even know what it was. Finishing his homework, he went to bed already wishing this day would be just a stupid dream.

The next day he was walking down the same route he used to run away from that thing just to fund his notebook. He was trying to be fast because he had class just one hour later. He looked around the streets, the sidewalks, the benches, the park's small path but he couldn't find it anywhere.

He decided to go to the bench where he was sitting yesterday. He looked around it but couldn't find it just then he heard the shuffling sound again. Stilled behind the bench to see what was causing the noise. He made sure wouldn't be seen from that side and no one was around to give him questioning looks then he turned to the sound.

He couldn't see all that well since there was so many bushes and trees in the way but then he saw a tail, a black fluffy tail. He got confused, leaned a little closer and narrowed his eyes to see who the tail belong to.

There was a big black dog..?

He wasn't sure but the dog like creature was bigger than any dog he has ever seen. And it had chocolate like brown eyes. It had the most majestic fur Yoongi has ever laid his eyes on. But what suprised him the most was not the creature itself it was what it was holding.

The dog had his notebook and it was looking through the pages like it was reading it.

Yoongi stopped and watch the creature for a few seconds before looking around to find anything that might help him. He didn't want to go near a dog that was big enough to reach half of his height. He couldn't even tell which breed this dog was.

So when he saw a pet shop near by he got an idea. Not the most brilliant one but it would have to do.

He went to the pet shop to buy a basic treat for dogs. Even though he didn't know if this dog had any type of allergies or something along the lines he still wanted his notebook back. If the dog got sick he would take it to the vet.

Yoongi kept repeating that in his mind and went close to the dog. He took cautious steps, stopping every now and then to make sure he didn't scare it.

Then he took a small treat out.

"Hey." He called out to the dog. The dog looked up from it's side lying position which it read the notebook with.

"You want a treat? Huh, do you want a treat?" Yoongi tried to make the dog understand and catch it's attention.

"Come on, who wants a treat??" The dog looked like it wasn't even understanding what Yoongi was doing, just judging him with it's stare.

But then it slowly got up and made his was towards Yoongi then sat infront of him with a straight posture.

"There you go. Good dog." Yoongi moved the treat close to the dog and the dog, which he realized is a male, smelled it a little. The dog took out his tongue and licked it before eating it.

Yoongi grabbed his notebook and gave the dog another treat to thank him for not destroying it. But he king of got carried away with feeding and playing with the dog that he forgot that he had class.

"Oh shit! I need to get to class!" He jumped up and scratched the dog's head one more time then fed him before running to class.

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